Update whatsapp status every day 2.0

Change your whatsapp status automatically every day. I use it to show a countdown

  1. orzar
    Change your whatsapp status automatically every day!.
    You can use it to display anything, but I use it to display a running countdown for my friends (They know what it's counting to :) )
    That status change is guaranteed to always work, even if you left whatsapp in some settings menu or a chat screen.
    Included is a profile that activates a task called "Main Whatsapp Task" every day at 01:00.
    You can edit Actions 4-5 in that task to replace the countdown with something else. (Action 5 takes the new whatsapp status as a parameter).
    gowtham and Adlx like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Binu
    Version: 2.0
    There is no instructions on how to use this
  2. Yash Srivastav
    Yash Srivastav
    Version: 2015-03-02
    Just what I was looking for..Thanks
  3. Mart de Graaf
    Mart de Graaf
    Version: 2015-03-02
    Fun to have, not really a must have. Still fun to make your own carosell of whatsapp statussus
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