AutoWear Show Screen via Tasker task in Phone

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Klouse, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. Klouse

    Klouse New Member


    i used the APP Watchmaker to create beatiful buttons on my watchface.

    This app allows to run tasker tasks or scripts with {t...}.

    I have no idea how to show (not create) an existing screen on my watch.

    Please help me.

    Thank you,

  2. KUD

    KUD New Member

    IMO, this is not correct.
    "This app allows to run tasker tasks or scripts with {t...}."
    Right is that. You can set a in a Tasker Task a variable ex. "Outsidetemp" (important the first "O" not "o"!)
    That means the task fills up the variable not Watchmaker.
    In WM you can put this variable as an textlayer text {toutsidetemp} on the screen.
    In my example I get every 15 min. the outsidetemperature from my homeautomation and set the global variable "Outsidetemp".
  3. Klouse

    Klouse New Member

    OK i found it - too easy...

    Sorry for my noob fail. (Task >Plugin> autowear>autowear app>show screen

    Thank you
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
  4. Klouse

    Klouse New Member

    And thank you, that advice is also awesome - fun for my fhem. :)


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