AutoLocation Autolocation - Geofence issues...

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by MYeager1967, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. MYeager1967

    MYeager1967 New Member

    Aug 14, 2016
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    I am using AutoLocation and AutoVera, along with Tasker obviously, on two phones. It's been working just fine on my phone for a few months so I decided to install all the programs on my wife's phone (through her Google account) so that Vera would be updateable by her phone as well. The problem is, AutoLocation (even though it's set up EXACTLY like my phone) keeps leaving her in the "Home" geofence all day while she's at work (25 miles away). I've checked to make sure that WiFi is on and that appears to be fine. At first, she kept WiFi turned off and that was obviously the issue but now, I'm at a loss....
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Thanks for the report. Can you please tell me what both your phones are? Thanks!
  3. MYeager1967

    MYeager1967 New Member

    Aug 14, 2016
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    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I forgot about this and got busy with other stuff. The phones are both Samsung Galaxy, one is an S6 and the other is an S7. Still having this issue but I've worked around it quite a bit. Bigger issue is that fairly often, the profile runs and it shows in the log that FSIntents was triggered, yet it never checks in...
    I'm looking into this one now....
: Geofences

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