Standalone Alarm App

Discussion in 'App/Feature Suggestion' started by cramu, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. cramu

    cramu New Member

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Over the last months we have seen two standalone AutoApps appearing at the Play Store, based on functionality that was already available in all the different AutoPlugins.
    Viewing the download counters of these Apps proves that this seems a good way to monetize past development in a different way so here is a suggestion for another one: a standalone alarm app.

    I'm sure most of the Tasker users have heard of AlarmPad before, the most feature rich alarm app in the Play Store, with the best Tasker integration so far.
    Some time ago the developer of this app announced he will have to stop support and development of the app, since his new job won't leave him enough time for this project.
    Besides the Tasker integration, there are some pretty unique features, which can't be found in other alarm apps:

    Server Sync
    allows to sync your alarms to all connected devices and to dismiss a ringing alarm from any connected device

    Calendar Lookup
    will check your calendars for entries with certain hashtags and set an alarm automatically which goes off x minutes before the event starts

    Decreasing Snooze Time
    allows to reduce the time until an alarm goes off again by x minutes, everytime you press the snooze button

    Dismiss an Alarm by Scanning a QR Code or NFC Tag

    All of AlarmPads features can be build with Tasker and AutoApps , but when it comes to such important stuff like waking up in time every day I don't trust my Tasker skills and would prefer to use a dedicated alarm app which takes care that everything goes right.
    Since AlarmPad has more than 100.000 downloads, there should be a market for power user alarm apps . .
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll take that in consideration, although alarm apps is already such an overcrowded market that it would be very hard for me to stand out in any way :)
  3. jenllip

    jenllip New Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Perhaps you can communicate with the AlarmPad dev and offer to pick up where he left off? I just discovered that it will no longer be supported and tried to re-create it using AutoApps, but can't seem to come close enough. It also seems a bit silly to try to re-invent the wheel... there's really nothing else like it and it has become central to my routines!
    Some critical features of AlarmPad that are more complex than meets the eye and I can't figure out how to replicate:
    • Auto-set phone alarms based on specially hashtagged events on Google Calendar (and each hashtag can trigger different combos of alarm settings like snooze length, sound file, etc.)
    • Ability to pull "Next Alarm" into Tasker (which I currently use w/ AutoWeb to auto-set my Fitbit Silent Alarm every night)
    • Ability to trigger tasks in Tasker based on "Alarm Dismissed" (different from "at alarm" or "at snooze" so it happens when I'm actually awake!)
: alarm

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