How to control Spotify using tasker and autovoice?

Discussion in 'Tasker' started by jason flesch, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. jason flesch

    jason flesch New Member

    Dec 11, 2015
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    Hello! I have watched countless videos and I cannot find anything specific about this. I want to be able to hands free tell Spotify "next, pause, previous, play, stop etc.." While I am driving. I am using Tasker, AutoInput and Autovoice. I bought tasker, and want to make sure this will work so I am using the 7 day trial of Autoinput and Autovoice before I purchase.

    So far, I can pull up Spotify app using Google Now "ok google" voice commands, but once up, I want to be able to use those commands. I need Autovoice to start listening ONLY when Spotify is on. Trying to have Tasker intercept "OK Google" commands messes things up and closes Spotify.

    Here is a list of things I need to do, but I am lost. haha. I probably wont get alot of help, and I dont blame you. I am that tasker noob guy trying to make people help me on his first post. I get it. But if anyone out there knows:

    -I need Autovoice to start listening for commands when Spotify is open, and stop listening when Spotify is closed.
    -Once Autovoice is listening, I need it to do "Next track", "Previous Track", "Stop music", "Play music", Pause music".

    I have tried using autoinput and select the point on the screen where the buttons are, but those buttons change location based on your phones orientation (Landscape or portrait). SOmeone suggested using the media buttons options, but would that work for Spotify?

    If anyone can give me any info, I would be greatful! One day I will learn this tasker thing through-and through, but until then.. Any help will be awesome. And hey, if someone writes this for me I'll put $20.00 in your paypal. I am NOT kidding. haha.

    Tasker is one hell of a powerful tool. I am trying to learn it...I see its potential. Thanks for making this tool!
  2. inanc

    inanc Member

    Mar 20, 2015
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    I couldnt try because my autovoice continious doesnt work for some reason. Export this. If your media volume becomes zero when starting autovoice continious , disable it in autovoice app. But this may cause beeping every 5 sec. In this case there is nothing to do , joa isn't able to fix this as I know. If it works , autovoice may take lyrics as commands so if some of the musics have smt like "pause music" phrase , it may pause the music.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  3. inanc

    inanc Member

    Mar 20, 2015
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    I forgot to say that you need to stop autovoice continious manually with clicking notification because we can't make exit task for spotify.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Ok Google shouldn't close Spotify though. It just puts it in the background while it's listening for your command. Are you sure it closes? that's the only way you'll get this to work properly :)
  5. jason flesch

    jason flesch New Member

    Dec 11, 2015
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    Joa you are right it minimizes, not close. I signed up for a year subscription via your autoapps app hoping I could get in on the autoSpotify alpha and signed up for the Google plus group but it wont give me access to the "join testing g" to download the app for my note 5. It just says "no app found for this accout"
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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  7. MysticGolem

    MysticGolem New Member

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Technically this would be possible with Tasker and Autovoice, although I wouldn't recommend it for 2 reasons. 1: Battery drain when you leave Autovoice Continuous running. 2: You will hear a beep every 5 second when you leave Autovoice Coninuous running.

    Please give more details of how you will be using playing your music and there could be an alternative.

    I'll suggest something, but may not be ideal.

    Create a Autovoice Continuous icon on your homescreen of your phone (created by Tasker).
    Open and a play Spotify.
    Go back to your home screen.
    Click the Autovoice Continuous icon.
    say "Next Song", this will trigger a profile/task within Tasker and will play the next song.
    In Tasker you can do this 2 ways, a Media Control -> Next Song or via Shell Run -> input keyevent <number for next song> (may require root).
    After the next song has been triggered, stop Autovoice Continuous.

    PS: Yes this will work even if your music is loud, I do this in my car with a fairly complex setup.
  8. LisaBrown

    LisaBrown New Member

    Mar 9, 2020
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    Try to download Spotify music as local files via Audfree and save them on your devices. Then use Tasker and Autovoice to control the offline playback.
    This workaround solves many problems of voice control on my smart devices like Google Home and Apple Watch. Wish it can work for you.
  9. Lily Allen

    Lily Allen New Member

    Mar 12, 2020
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    I try your method. It works! Thank you so much!

    By the way, I also find another similar tool. It calls DRmare Spotify Music Converter. Is it belong to the same company or what?

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