AutoInput Help with auto click randomly timed box

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Panthro, May 9, 2017.

  1. Panthro

    Panthro New Member

    May 9, 2017
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    I am using Tasker for Frep and AutoInput for an on demand work app.
    The work app requires a tap to refresh. And when demand needs it, a box will pop up at the top of the app for the time needed to work, after I press the block of time I have to press a second block at the bottom to accept the block. So essentially you can tap 0.1sec for hours to catch a single block of work.
    I am missing an important step somewhere.
    Thru the use of Tasker I have separately been able to:
    1. Open the app and press frep to start the long loop of tapping.
    2. Auto click both the time at the top and the accept at the bottom. But ONLY if it's available at the moment the app opens WITHOUT tapping. (The click is triggered by text)
    What I am having difficulties with is understanding how to get these two actions to flow together.
    When I combine the two the auto refresh will work, but the click is ignored.
    The click I have used with both the TimeOut set to "none" and also "never".
    So essentially, I need an autotap, and two auto clicks. But the auto clicks have to wait until the top box to click randomly pops up.
    I have included screenshots.

    Thank you!

    Attached Files:

  2. Panthro

    Panthro New Member

    May 9, 2017
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    Lol anyone or am I all alone here

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