Home Automation - Chaining Voice Commands

Turn on,off,start.. many devices with one voice command

  1. Completed Android App! ***Use this tasker XML or Download from Google Play***

    App Is now on google play.


    Many of the issues related to tasker should not be a problem with the app. The app DOES NOT require AutoVoice and the 7 second timeout has been changed to 20 seconds, I may make a user changeable variable for this in the future. AutoVoice still works with the App and allows for "OK GOOGLE" hot word commands using the google now launcher, AutoVoice Accessibility must be enabled for the "OK GOOGLE" detection. Custom "Tasker Task" has been removed from the app until it is implemented so if you are using the tasker project and have "tasker tasks" they will not work with the app. I will continue to post the xml to the AutoApps Forum. However the tasker version has a huge 20 second delay when using "Get Voice" without AutoVoice (this can be changed by changing the timeout in the task "Get Voice Commands Without AutoVoice") the app does NOT have the 20 second delay.

    If anyone uses the app and would like to make a video which I can show on google play I would be grateful, I can't stand the sound of my voice and it's hard to keep my home clean with the kids. Any other contributions such as written instructions or edited instructions would also be great as I'm not much of a writer!

    Version had a small bug but was corrected in "". I updated to Version this morning and should be live soon.

    Version Name of project changed from "Home Automation - Chaining Voice Commands" to "Home Automation Voice Commands" because of the 30 character name limit in google play. Version number system changed from "V4.1.1" to "" this was to make tasker project and android app have similar verson numbers. Added GNU General Public License in preperation of App release. Added Local (Non- AutoVoice) get voice option which allows the app icon to start voice recognition. Added Variable %AppOrTaskerProject. This needs to be set manualy to anything but "App" if you imported this from xml into tasker.
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