AutoWeb Shared APIs are not updting correctly

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by autormali, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. autormali

    autormali Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    I've already shared a few APIs to Web Services. After review of input parameters, I changed my mind and I deleted some of them from API input parameter list and included in API Action Cofig Path. After test in Tasker it uploading and updating API on Web Services and downloading (back) the parameters I just deleted on my phone. Is it bug? Is it possible to delete input parameter on Web Services?
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Right now, only I can totally remove input parameters from Web Services. I did this to prevent severe breakage of Web Services in case somebody someday simply decided to start deleting stuff. :) If you want I can remove those webservices entirely so you can upload the versions with less parameters. Sounds good?
  3. autormali

    autormali Member

    Jul 4, 2016
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    Ok. I'll send you the API names in conversation.

    I can understand you want to prevent from deleting (even by mistake) of APIs/parmaeters from server. Are you considering to give access to delete API and input/output parameters by creators/authors of API only? This funcionality could be granted for API creator only and accessed only in Browse Web Services (not in Your Web Services). Or make APIs force update avaiable for creators only - new version of API will overwrite this one on server. This solution is even better because it can be implemented with update entire API option only (on creator demand, accessed from menu) after succesfull API test in Tasker. Shortly speaking updates of entire API is avaiable but deleting not. This can save your time in the future with situations such as mine and allow creators to decide by themselves what is finally shared.
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Yeah, I need to revamp the whole sharing mechanism. I first considered making creators have more privileges but then I backed away from it because sometimes someone creates an API with just a base action and someone else expands on it so I can't really give all the privileges to the person who originally created it. I need to go into it more sometime and really create a more fleshed out version of it :)
: autoweb

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