Open Join IFTTT actions work within Join but Tasker can't execute them

Discussion in 'Join' started by Steve Midgley, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. Steve Midgley

    Steve Midgley New Member

    Nov 10, 2019
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    I recently upgraded my Pixel 3 to Android 10. On Android 9, I wasn't having the following problem. Basically I can create webhook tasks in IFTTT and fire them via Actions in Join - that all works fine from within the Join app.

    But of course, I want to use the Join plugin in Tasker to enact these in practice. However, I'm unable to do so, even in a test setting: I open Join (to make sure it's running), then open Tasker, and create a test task with the plugin setup to fire a Join Action that is already created.

    When I manually run this Tasker Task, the process hangs on the Join step. And in the Notifications, it shows "Join * Now / Tasker Action / Running..." -- but nothing happens.

    I have to force stop Join to get that notification to go away (I let it run for 10 minutes and nothing happens). This seems very weird b/c Join has no problem running the task itself.

    When I run the diagnostics in Join, I get green for all up except "Get Contact and SMS Info" and "Get Location Info" and "Send Notification to Chrome" -- Do I need to enable these permissions for the system to work?

    Right after I upgraded to Android 10, I had a problem with Join, but I uninstalled it, and reinstalled and set it up, and then the Actions started working fine (GCM diagnostics were failing before I reinstalled).

    I've also gone through all the steps here for Tasker and Join (but I'm not convinced that even matters for my test b/c both apps are running).

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated (and I did purchase Tasker and Join).
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Steve Midgley likes this.
  3. Steve Midgley

    Steve Midgley New Member

    Nov 10, 2019
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    Thanks. I installed that version, and the problem is the same. I ran the diagnostics after installing, and everything works (as before) through Send File to Google Drive. The last 3 fail (b/c I haven't set up those permissions). After 10 min the notification "Tasker Action / Running..." is still up. Notably I get a notification from Join titled "Clipboard Monitoring" - do I need to enable Clipboard Monitoring in order for Tasker-Join integration to work? The only thing I need from Join is to allow me to fire IFTTT Webhook actions from Tasker, so I only want to give it the minimal permissions for that functionality.

    Thanks again for any advice!
  4. Steve Midgley

    Steve Midgley New Member

    Nov 10, 2019
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  5. tnkrer

    tnkrer New Member

    Jul 16, 2020
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    Facing the same issue on Pixel 3XL and Android 11 beta. Steve, were you or someone able to figure out the problem and fix? Thanks
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Hi. Sorry for the long delay. Seems like I somehow missed the replies in this thread. Can you clarify what issue you're having exactly?

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