Solved No longer paid | Multiple Google accounts

Discussion in 'Join' started by FourQ, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. FourQ

    FourQ New Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Is there a way to subscribe via Google account A but use Join on account B?

    I subscribe via AutoApps on one account, the first account on the phone, but use AutoCalendar, AutoWeb, AutoWear etc with account B (without a problem).
    When I installed Join and signed in with account B, AutoApps changed with it, losing the subscription.
    I've managed to get AutoApps to recognise the subscription, but only by uninstalling Join and reinstalling AutoApps from a browser.

    Is there any way to record (presumably within AutoApps), which apps were paid for under which account, and check those accounts?

  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Just to clarify, Join is not included in the AutoApps subscription.

    I think you can check your google wallet to see which apps you bought with which accounts.

    Hope this helps
  3. FourQ

    FourQ New Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Sorry João. I'd meant to get back to this long before now.

    The problem was, AutoApps switched to account B after installed Join, which in turn affected the apps I'd not already bought. AutoApps found no subscription for account B, so every app I didn't have an unlocker for lost functionality
    As it had happened more than once I thought I'd write a post to see if someone's already solved it. When I tried to recreate the issue, it started to work, all licences played nicely. I still don't know why it hadn't before.
    I appreciate Join isn't covered in an AutoApps subscription. I just wonder if Join and AutoApps share a common marker, code, dependency, file or something that could cause a clash?
    I'll keep an eye on things, try to recreate it when I have some spare time, and hopefully be able to send you some logs.
    Installed: AutoApps, AutoAlarm, AutoBarcode, AutoCalendar, AutoCast, AutoContacts, AutoInput, AutoLaunch, AutoLocation, AutoMail, AutoMediaButtons, AutoNotification, AutoPhoto, AutoRemote, AutoRSS, AutoShare, AutoShortcut, AutoTools, AutoVoice, AutoWear, AutoWeather, AutoWeb, AutoXBMC, & AutoYoutube
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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  5. FourQ

    FourQ New Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I looked at the FAQ, but I didn't want Join's account changed. The problem was I subscribed to AutoApps on account A but want to use Join on account B. When Join signed in to account B, AutoApps changed to account B as well.

    It happened again. Uninstalled AutoApps, reinstalled.
    It's solved, but I'm embarrassed I didn't try this first: I cleared all of AutoApps' cache, data, and force closes the app. Opened it and signed in using the account it should be linked to.
    AutoApps still shows the subscribe tab, but it now says the subscription can't be taken out until [date current subscription ends].:)

    I think I know why it happened though. When you load up Join, it asks permission to send commands to AutoApps. If you authorise the commands, my guess is it changes the account AutoApps is associated with, and stops using the account with the subscription. If I'm right, Join will only work with AutoApps using the same account. :(

    João, could you close this one off when you get a minute? Thanks.
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Join AutoApps command should have nothing to do with what account the app is using as far as I know. The only thing that controls that is the user that installed the app.

    However the user that installed the app is in no way related to the user that you used to sign-in with Join. those can be 2 completely different accounts.

    Hope this clarifies it!

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