AutoVoice Response to Smart Home Command

Discussion in 'General' started by Hica, Oct 13, 2019.

  1. Hica

    Hica New Member

    Oct 13, 2019
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    Hi Guys,

    im not for days and nights surfing the internet to find a way to include some of my smart devices withiut using OpenHab and i found the tasker+autovoice combination. Really nice stuff, took me a while to figure every thing out but there are alot of tutorials an information in the www that helped alot. But i cant seem to find the answer to one of my questions, maybe im getting blind or crazy from all the input the last days, im old and my brain start to degenerate .D

    So my question:

    i use the auzovice smart home alexa skill. this allows me to use autovoice commands without prefix. But i still couldnt figure out how to get costomized responses when using this. I know how to set a sinple command and how to get a response to that. But when using the autovoice smart home skill, autovoice receives folowing input:


    I dont know how can i trigger a custom alexa response with that. Is it maybe not possible and just works with normal commands?

    Im just burned out from all the reserch, hopefully someone can help with this problem.

    Have a nice day
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Unfortunately it's not possible sorry! When you use those kinds of commands Alexa simply thinks that it's controlling a smart home device so there's no way to make it say custom responses. Wish I could help!
  3. Hica

    Hica New Member

    Oct 13, 2019
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    Hello joaomgcd,

    thanks alot for the reply. Saved me alot of research time :)

    Still a great tool to play with.

    Have a nice evening.

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