Wake On LAN Manager v1.2

Turn on and off your devices from your smartphone

  1. Changelog v1.2

    - Fix: Task linked to 'WOL WiFi (on)' profile was not sending WOL signal when broadcast IP was configured in 'Setup' task.
    - Other: Deleted unnecessary actions.
  2. Changelog v1.1

    - New: Icons (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Google Home)
    - New: 'WOL WiFi (on)' and 'WOL Auto (on/off)' options to automate the Wake On LAN. (See 'Setup' task to configure and learn what they do)
    - New: 'Ping Test' and 'WOL Test' separate tasks to help you to know if the device you're going to add is configured properly.
    - New: Statusbar notification to stop sending turning on/off signals manually.
    - Fix: 'Initial Setup' task was failing to download resources.
    - Other: Reworked 'Initial Setup'...