Solved Couple of Android app/Chrome extension enhancement requests

Discussion in 'Join' started by ktrahan, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. ktrahan

    ktrahan New Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    First off, I want to say that I'm loving Join. I love to see a new app mature and this one is coming along very well with an extremely attentive and engaged developer.

    Outside of hoping and waiting for MMS/group chat support in Join, I'd like to request a couple of small enhancements (and probably two big ones) to the Join Android app and Chrome extension:
    1. In the Android app, could you make it so that the keyboard respects the Auto-capitalization setting? I believe this can be achieved by simply setting 'android:inputType="textCapSentences"' on your EditText.
    2. Can hyperlinks sent and received over SMS, which are then viewable on the SMS screen in the Android app, also be made clickable from within the app? Right now I use Google On Tap to select the text and copy it.
    3. In both the Android app and in the Chrome extension, on the SMS tab, would it be possible to show the number of characters remaining that can be typed to send an SMS message? For example, since each SMS is 160 characters, you would see something like "56 / 1" until you have reached 160 characters typed at which point it would start over from 160 but change to 2 to indicate that two messages will be sent. So if I have typed in 289 characters, it would show "31 / 2" to indicate that there are 31 characters that can still entered which will send two SMS. It could be an advanced setting to determine whether this is shown or not. Project Fi doesn't concatenate SMS on send and I would like to see how many I'm sending with long messages (or to be more brief to limit the number sent).
    4. Finally, and this is probably the tougher ask, but in Android Nougat (using DP5 currently), if Join is one of the windows open in multi-windowed mode but NOT the active window, Join does not refresh automatically to show the new SMS unless you tap on the notification. For example, if I have Join open in a window (on the SMS screen), and I'm browsing Chrome in the other window, if Chrome is the active window and I've received a new SMS, Join does not automatically refresh to show the received SMS unless I manually switch to the Join window and refresh it or if I tap the notification out of the notification bar.
    I appreciate you taking the time to read this and at the very least considering to make these enhancements!
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Thank you very much for your feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying the app :)

    1. Where exactly in the app do you mean? The SMS screen?
    2. added to todo list
    3. Unfortunately I don't think I can do this because of the way special characters work in SMS. I actually don't have a good way of knowing how many SMSs some text will take up because in some cases a special character will use a special character mode and sometimes it won't...
    4. I think this is actually simple to fix :) Changed for next version.
    Thanks again for the feedback!
  3. ktrahan

    ktrahan New Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Sorry for not being clear on #1. Yes, this is on the SMS screen. I've attached two screenshots showing what the SMS screen shows immediately after tapping to begin typing a new message and another showing after ending one sentence with a full stop and beginning the next. You'll notice the keyboard does not automatically capitalize the first word of the sentence and it also does not automatically capitalize the next word after a period.

    Screenshot_20160727-122655.png Screenshot_20160727-122708.png

    That's fair enough on #3; I hadn't considered the use of special characters, emojis, etc. Also, good news about #4 and I appreciate you adding #2 to the to-do list!

    Thank you again for the awesome service and for accepting feedback!
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Thank you very much! :) I made the change to

    Thanks again!
  5. interestingbird

    interestingbird New Member

    Mar 21, 2019
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    I like to download app and game from thr cloud to my pc before i can paste them into my phone via sdcard. it might be silly but it's safer to prevent bad content since pc has stronger protection. i use apk downloader at apknite. good helper in any case.

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