AutoWear Floating Icon and Screen Questions

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by wp105, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. wp105

    wp105 New Member

    Aug 5, 2015
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    These are two separate issues I'm trying to work through on an Autowear project:

    1. Is there any way to make a transparent floating icon lose focus when an app is opened? I've created a launcher, following Joao's Dynamic Mini Launcher example. But when I open an app on the watch (calendar for example), I can not make any selection within the app in the area of the screen that is under the transparent floating icon. What I'd like to do is have the floating icon lose focus, or go away, when an app is opened, then gain focus or re-create once that app is swiped closed.

    2. Depending on the gesture used with this floating icon, it either opens a list screen or a 4 button screen. I created both in Tasker (safety, so I don't lose them). But I don't think I used the most efficient profile for creating them. Basically, I want them to be available always, no real condition as they should always be active for creation. The context for the profile is time, 1202 am to 1158 pm. I think this gives me the added benefit of refreshing the screens once a day, in case there are any 'glitches'. Is there a more efficient way of having these screens created, using either a Tasker profile or directly through Autowear?

    Thank you in advance for your help.
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    1. Unfortunately there's no way that an app can detect this. Only a watch face can do this. Sorry!
    2. I'm not sure what the real issue is. Once they are created they will be on the watch ready to use :) what exactly doesn't work correctly for you?
  3. wp105

    wp105 New Member

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Joao -
    Thank you again for the response. Regarding Item 2, I was just looking for some feedback from more experienced users as to whether this was the best way to accomplish having screens available at all times. Through Tasker, I have an individual time based profile for each screen I created (currently two profiles, two screens - one menu, one 4 button, triggered from the same transparent floating icon using two different gestures). I tried placing both the Autowear List Screen and Autowear 4 Button Screen actions within the same time-based profile, but the second action (for the 4 button screen) wasn't triggering. When I move this to a separate profile, everything worked fine. Is this the usual approach for such an application?

    Thanks in advance for your time and help.
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Can you please export your profile's description (not xml) so I can take a look? Thanks
  5. wp105

    wp105 New Member

    Aug 5, 2015
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    The description is attached below. This is for my profile that is not completely working - context is time based. If there is a better way to do this, please let me know. The only shortfall of a time based context I can see is that I need a separate profile for each Autowear screen (more on that in a bit). Note that some of the buttons for the 4 button screen are only partially configured, as I'm still working through the implementation.

    This profile works for the first Autowear screen action (the list menu), but never updates the 4 button screen (which is the second action).

    I have one additional question regarding the list menu. I tried to include both the watch alarm and timer apps, but could not get them to open (I used icons and the following labels, "Alarm" and "Timer", per your Dynamic Mini Launcher example.

    Thanks for having a look. Any feedback you have is much appreciated.

    Profile: Autowear Menu (359)
    Time: From 12:02AM Till 11:58PM
    Enter: Menu List (365)
    A1: AutoWear List Screen [ Configuration:Labels: Remote,Calendar,Coffee,IF,Keep,Fit
    Icons: /storage/emulated/0/AutoWear/Galaxy Remote.png,/storage/emulated/0/AutoWear/calendar.png,/storage/emulated/0/AutoWear/Coffee.png,/storage/emulated/0/AutoWear/IFTTT.png,/storage/emulated/0/AutoWear/Google Keep.png,/storage/emulated/0/AutoWear/Google Fit.png
    Background Color: #7F000000
    Screen Mode: Turn on
    Animation: Slide from right
    Command Prefix: watchapp
    Text Color: #FF929292
    Show Now: true
    Trigger Event: true
    Haptic Feedback: true
    Command to show: swipe right border
    Name: Screen Right Border Package:com.joaomgcd.autowear Name:AutoWear List Screen Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
    A2: AutoWear 4 Screen [ Configuration:Color Right: #8C890800
    Text Bottom: Alarm
    Icon Bottom: android.resource://
    Tap Bottom: alarmset
    Long Tap Bottom: alarmoff
    Color Bottom: #8C4B4B4B
    Text Left: SMS AR
    Icon Left: android.resource://
    Tap Left: smson
    Color3: #8C890800
    Long Tap Left: smsoff
    Text Top: Vibrate
    Icon Top: android.resource://
    Tap Top: vibrate
    Color Top: #8C4B4B4B
    Long Tap Top: normal
    Color Center: #E8272727
    Screen Mode: Turn on
    Animation: Slide from right
    Command Prefix: wearset
    Text Color: #BC7E7E7E
    Show Now: true
    Trigger Event: true
    Haptic Feedback: true
    Command to show: 2trb
    Name: Screen 4 Settings Package:com.joaomgcd.autowear Name:AutoWear 4 Screen Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
    A3: Stop [ With Error:Off Task:]
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Can you try setting timeout on the first screen settings to 0 and see if that works? thanks
  7. wp105

    wp105 New Member

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Was away, but will do. I'll let you know how it goes, and thank you.
  8. wp105

    wp105 New Member

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Joao - thanks for your responses. I've just stuck with the two separate time-based profiles and everything is good.

    Best Regards.

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