Open SMS sent from Chrome vanish until receiving new SMS

Discussion in 'Join' started by lafinass, May 19, 2017.

  1. lafinass

    lafinass New Member

    May 12, 2017
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    When using the Chrome extension to send an SMS, the SMS sent will show in the conversation in Chrome until the panel is refreshed and then it vanishes. Nothing I do will get it to return (including going to the phone device tab and clicking on 'Send an SMS message'). The sent message shows fine on the phone's SMS client (Galaxy S7). If I receive a new message from that contact the conversation will update on the Chrome extension to include any sent messages.
    So for example, if my contact sends me "Alpha" and I reply with "Bravo" and then "Charlie" the last message visible in the Chrome extension will be "Alpha". However if my contact then replies back with "Delta" the conversation will update to show "Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie", and "Delta".
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Thanks for the report. It seems that something on your phone is not updating the SMS Database as it should. Can you please test something out if you get the chance?
    • Send a message
    • Make it vanish from Chrome
    • Disable and re-enable the SMS service in the Join Android App -> Settings -> SMS and PHone Calls
    • Check if after it's done, message re-appears
    Thanks in advance!
  3. lafinass

    lafinass New Member

    May 12, 2017
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    I can confirm that disabling the SMS service and restarting it does indeed refresh it, as I've done that before. I've also done a full wipe of the android app, the browser extension, and the Drive folder spawned by the app. The issue comes back after everything is reinstalled and set up. I've occasionally seen other sync issues, but only this specific case happens consistently enough to report. I want to say that the chrome extension synced nearly perfectly for me before the latest few updates and that this issue began for me with 1.7 of the android app, but I could be wrong.

    It may be unrelated but the SMS display in the web app (not the extension, the one at has just always been wrong for me- it appears to display the messages in some jumbled order, where it will show a handful of the most recent messages followed by what looks like messages from several days ago and then additional recent messages after that.

    Running the diagnostics on the android app passes all the tests successfully, by the way.
  4. lafinass

    lafinass New Member

    May 12, 2017
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    You can close this thread, I've switched apps for now and I'll give Join another try down the road. Cheers.
  5. Gipp

    Gipp New Member

    Jun 7, 2017
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    I have this exact issue. I also did the same troubleshooting and have had the same results.
    This is the chrome extension on Windows 7 Pro machine at work. On my Chromebook the extension seems to work as it should.
: sms

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