Open A few problems

Discussion in 'Join' started by Rodney, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. Rodney

    Rodney New Member

    1) The Windows 10 app won't let me create a new SMS message. There's no button at all.
    2) The web version ( has a button, but when I put in a new number (not in my contacts), nothing happens. I can't start writing a message.
    3) The Chrome extension does have a button and seems to work, but I'd prefer to use the Win 10 app because (a) I paid for it and (b) I don't always have Chrome running.
    4) And, finally, it seems like every SMS message I've ever sent or received still shows up in the Win 10 app, the web version, and the Chrome extension.
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    1. Sorry, I need to fix that you're right.
    2. That too. Sorry about that.
    3. Thanks for the feedback
    4. What do you mean? Which messages do you not want to show up?
    Thanks for your feedback
  3. Rodney

    Rodney New Member

    4. I want messages that I've deleted on my phone not to show up in any of the Join apps.
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    You can do that by disabling and re-enabling the SMS service on your device. Sorry, I have to figure out a way to make it automatic :)

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