Solved Already named Device popup.

Discussion in 'Join' started by Angelcynn9, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Angelcynn9

    Angelcynn9 New Member

    [One of your Join devices is already named " ... " What do you want to name this device?] pops up upon opening my browser on both my Chromebook and my Desktop.

    I have currently named my Android Join [Nexus 5], my Desktop [Chrome], and my Chromebook [Chromebook]. This is how they appear on the popup from the icon on the Chrome Extension.

    I am not totally computer savvy, as I once was, what am I missing. What can I do to solve this issue?
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    hmm, must be a bug in the extension. Do you still get that if you uninstall-reinstall the extension? Can you try please? thanks
  3. Angelcynn9

    Angelcynn9 New Member

    Gave that a try, and the issue persists. I didn't have the issue prior to adding the 3rd Device, and naming it Chromebook. In fact, I was fine when they were all named Chrome.

    Now, when I uninstalled the ext. I did not delete the file from the chrome folder that may be storing the device information. Do you happen to know the folder's string-name?
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    That's stored on the server... Can you please try renaming your device in the Android app? Sorry, I'm not getting why this is happening to you if you don't have more than 1 device named chrome... :(
  5. Angelcynn9

    Angelcynn9 New Member

    Whatever happened with the last two updates. The issue resolved itself.

    In case it wasn't the update. These are what I did, and if it happens others. Hopefully, it'll help.

    * Checked for updates, to PC, Browser, and Devices.
    * Installed any updates, if any existed.
    * Uninstalled Ext. for Chrome, and apk for Android.
    * Reinstalled said applications, restarted PC.
    * Account locked the devices, so I navigated to my chrome and android apk installation, and removed the files that remained containing any backed up settings.
    * Re-Reinstalled applications, and updated.
    * After this, the issue seemed resolved.

    Note: After removing the files, from the chrome and apk installation locations. I still had the issue, when I re-reinstalled the apk, and chrome Ext. the updates I mentioned were available, and the issue seems to have gone away. My guess is something with the new UI and bugs fixed the issue.

    Thank you for all your help! Only one more question remains. How do I mark this as solved?
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Glad you got it! And I see you found out how to mark it solved :)

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