AutoNotification AN Query action and profile return different antitle()

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by yannick.rc, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. yannick.rc

    yannick.rc New Member

    Hey guys,

    I'm writing a profile that replaces my notifications with custom ones. For WhatsApp, AutoNotification usefully returns all contacts in a simple list when using an autoNotification Query action on a WhatsApp notification with messages from multiple contacts. (i.e. WhatsApp: 4 messages from 3 contacts).

    Code (Text):
    %antititle() = WhatsApp,contact1,contact2,contact3
    But when I intercept the notification with a profile, %antitle() is empty, even when I make sure the task is set to "Run Both Together".

    Code (Text):
    %antititle() =
    Do the two work slightly differently? It would be really useful to have a profile return the %antitle() with all the contacts!


  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    The problem is that Whatsapp posts multiple notifications at the same time when you get a new message. The best way to do it is to wait like a second in the task and then a Notification Query :)
  3. yannick.rc

    yannick.rc New Member

    Hi Joao,

    Thanks for the reply. Do you mean, when my AutoNotification Query Profile runs, I should do an AutoNotification Query Action in the triggered task after a few seconds to replace the result of the Profiles AutoNotification Queries?

    Thank you,

  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Yep, that's it! :)
  5. yannick.rc

    yannick.rc New Member

    Cool, thank you! :)

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