AutoTools AutoTools: Muzei won't load local images

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by PONKiE, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. PONKiE

    PONKiE New Member

    What am I doing wrong here?
    I have Muzei set as my wallpaper. It randomizes my wallpaper from a reddit feed. The source is set to AutoTools.

    But I have certain profiles where I want a local image to be used for my wallpaper.
    So, in Tasker I run the Autotools:Muzei plugin from a task. The image is selected with the image picker. The image also shows.
    I click done and the image is set to /storage/emulated/0/Tasker /images/Work.jpg for example. So far, so good.

    But when I run the task nothing happens to my wallpaper. When I check inside Muzei it shows an error and says it can't load the image, retry...
    I've tried this with numerous different file locations.

    When I run the same task with a web Url instead of a local link, it works every time. Tell me if I'm doing something wrong.
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Hmmm.. Does it work if you use a format like this:

    Code (Text):
  3. ponkieponkz

    ponkieponkz New Member

    It doesn't work that way either. Does it work when you try it with a local image?
    I don't have to set any permissions, right?
    I havent used Muzei since forever, but the way I remember this should work.




    Do you have any idea how I'm gonna trace this?
    There is no error shown anywhere... :/
  4. ponkieponkz

    ponkieponkz New Member

    Also, is it not strange that I can not find a 'net.nurik.roman.muzei' folder in my android data folder?
  5. PONKiE

    PONKiE New Member

    So I installed apk analyzer and took a better look at the muzei app. I ran all activities within muzei. With one activity I got a permission request for my images storage. I accepted and my tasks now work.
    No idea why Muziek never requested this. Another one solved!
  6. PONKiE

    PONKiE New Member

    Hmm it appears I have two accounts... Pff

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