AutoVoice Google home recognize without having to say"ok Google".

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by elpece, Nov 4, 2017.

  1. elpece

    elpece New Member

    First of all thank you for your amazing work on the auto apps.

    I purchased recently a Google home device and was wondering if there could be an equivalent to the autovoice recognize action to avoid having to say "hey Google" everytime. The idea would be to create events like "phone connected to Wi-Fi when I come back home">automatically receive greeting from the Google home, and automatically be able to converse with it(to trigger ifttt or autovoice commands). I made it work with bluetooth since GH can now operates like a standard speaker, and also used the autocast speak command, but the voice is a bit more robotic and that would not allow me to run GH command anyway("just" autovoice actions). I assume there could be some security features that may prevent such workflow from working (since the only other way would be to physically press the top of the Google home) but just wondering.

    Thanks in advance
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Unfortunately I have no way of doing that, sorry!

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