Open Headset problem, additional language, group chats

Discussion in 'Touchless Chat' started by mkkyah, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    I had time to test TC and I must say it's really good in details, working almost great.
    I have a few feedbacks and questions:
    -- There is a problem with BT headset integration. The voice goes between phone speaker and headset. Sometimes it's finishing the job without problem with headset, sometimes it's changing in every word. That's also true for mic, it's recognizing sometimes half of the message. (I'm using a SENA 3S BT headset)
    -- Can you add Turkish to languages? I thing languages are undependent from Google Now and Autovoice can already recognize my Turkish meassages without problem.
    -- Is there a chance that Group chats integration comes to TC soon? It's really important for me, I have some groups to follow.
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks for your feedback!

    • Sorry about that. On my headset it seems to work correctly. Unfortunately I can't test it on all headsets, but I'll try to figure out if I can do anything about it
    • Unfortunately I don't speak turkish but if you're willing you can help me add the language here: :)
    • Unfortunately that's really hard to do because of lack of app APIs. It's still on my todo list though :)
    Thanks again for your feedback!
  3. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    Although I'm not experienced with that, I'll be glad if I can help with that file; do you need all the B column to translated?

    One suggestion: I have tried german on one contact, it seemed unnecessarily complicated to me. Do we need all that UI/voice translations for the contact's language. I prefer all the notifications or app voices in system or app language; but message name, text and reply recognition in contact's language.
  4. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    Just to be clear: I'm working on your language file, as far as I can do that. But I'm using the app in english, my system is in english; too.
    I was asking adding Turkish as contact language (reading name, message text in Turkish and recognize new message in Turkish.)
    I have Svox English and Turkish engines.
  5. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    I did finish all translation on your file. I hope I didn't messed up especially with the regex parts; but it seemed ok to me.
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

  7. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    Great, is it ok if I install this apk over my existing google play version of TC, or should I remove it first?

    BTW. How are TTS handled by TC for multiple languages? My system engine is Svox-eng and I want TC to use Svox-tr for chosen contact tr- language option. Will it work automatically? I don't see anything on settings.
  8. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    You can install it over the google play version.

    TC always uses the default TTS engine you have selected :) It should work out of the box I think.
  9. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    Yes,it worked automagically with Svox-tr instead of Svox-en.
    --I have corrected some translations on the language file again, I will test translations further.
    --Although it's a preference, I would prefer to keep TC language as system(or chosen main TC language), but selected contact language to be used for Name and message read, reply recognition only. It's confusing to change the TC commands for every contact with different language. And Chat app names are not said correctly by other language engines.
    --I did apply your workaround for the group chats. It worked well, I hope you can find a better way to implement it.
    Thanks again for your effort,
  10. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    Some more gliches:
    --TC is not reading "Say yes, no or cancel" or "Say reply, dismiss or cancel" parts now. For example it's asking for confirmation after you dictate a message, than its not saying "say yes, no, or cancel"
    -- I have lost my immunity to "reference to TC on every message" after installing apk; although I'm seeing my support on "disable ads".

    I have added some spell corrections to svox engine, that solved app name problems, but my preference is still the other way.
  11. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    --starting a New Chat with widget or "ok google" and sayin one of the phrases ends with "unfortunately, TC has stopped error."
    I believe my translations of that regex parts causing this, probably matching issues...
    You should have received error email from TC about that.
  12. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    Hi Joao,
    I made a list of issues from this thread to keep things in one place and add additional test info:
    1. BT integration: I have tested on 2 BT devices. Kinovo car BT and Sena 3S BT headset, both devices caused same problems, voice and mic is changing between BT and speaker all the time.
    2. Starting "New Chat" with Turkish Language set as default fails. Probably I have messed with regex(did some improvements lately, but I can't test them without a new beta.). Sentence structure is different; I try to give you the 2 examples without using regex, so you can check:
    --NAME'e(or a) mesaj gönder.
    --NAME'e(or a) WhatsApp mesajı gönder.
    3. I have made lots of language corrections after beta apk, please check.
    4. "Yes/evet" confirmation after TC reads my detected message text and asks for "yes,no, cancel" is not recognized if I don't repeat "evet" 3-5 times. I don't remember such problem with english.
    5. Group Chat workaround works, but there is an additional step you should add. I need to remove nickname from linked TC group contact after a reboot, so TC asks me to link again. If not it's not asking to link and contact is not working.
    6. Although I have disabled the TC reference on messages previously, it returned with beta-apk.
    7. Deezer stops music(sometimes with an error "audio is used by other app") after TC kicks in. Maybe TC should be on other stream?
    8. When BT on, PowerAmp sometimes start playing when TC kicks in. I have PowerAmp widget on one of the screens, maybe it's related.

    I'm waiting for a new Beta for further testing.

  13. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you very much for all your feedback.
    Here's a new version with the updated tranlsations, hope this helps! Chat.apk

    Thanks, I'll try the BT device again. About the other apps stopping I think you need to contact those because TC requests the audio focus and then releases it, so other apps should be looking for that release to resume playing.

    Hope this helps and thanks again
  14. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    Last apk is very usable. First impressions:
    --NAME'e(or a) mesaj gönder. This works well with new message recognition.
    --NAME'e(or a) WhatsApp mesajı gönder. This is adding app name (whatsapp) to name and fails to find the contact. It ends up with "Ahmet Whatsapp contact couldn't be find, please select the contact from screen"

    4 and 6 are solved.

    -"ignore/yoksay" is recognized as "yoksa" everytime and offered as message text to send.
  15. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks I fixed the "yoksa" issue for next release.
    CAn you please post an example of that "NAME'e(or a) WhatsApp mesajı gönder" and tell me which part is which so I can build the regex for it? :) Thanks in advance
  16. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    As you can see Turkish sentence structure is different. Name should come first in this phrase, than instead of a "to" in the beginning of the name, there is 'e or 'a or 'ye or 'ya at the end(it changes with the last character of the name). If we use the Turkish contact name "Ahmet Kara" there are this options (send=gönder; message= mesaj, mesajı) :
    Ahmet'e mesaj gönder.........Send message to Ahmet. (it already works with TC)
    Ahmet Kara'ya mesaj gönder.........Send message to Ahmet Kara. (it already works with TC, I didn't test 'ye 'ya versions )
    Ahmet'e Whatsapp mesajı gönder...... Send Whatsapp message to Ahmet.( TC recognizes the name as "Ahmete Whatsapp")
    Ahmet Kara'ya whatsapp mesajı gönder.....Send Whatsapp message to Ahmet Kara. (TC recognizes the name as "Ahmet Karaya Whatsapp")
    Ahmet'e mesaj gönder (text...)......(this is also working)

    If it's difficult to separate app name from contact name you can use
    Ahmet Kara kişisine WhatsApp mesajı gönder.... Send WhatsApp message to contact Ahmet Kara.
    This is not ideal, but correct.
    I hope it's clear and not confusing.

    TC still needs screen to turned on to finish sending message.

    One suggestion: Normally if a second message from same contact is received, TC is not announcing app and contact name. But if the second message received by another app, maybe TC should read app and contact names. For example I have received an SMS message after a WhatsApp message from same contact, nothing announced, only the message text.
  17. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    Hi Joao,
    I continue to test and TC is working well so far, other than discussed new message Turkish recognition issues.
    But Bluetooth problems make it really unusable. Phone is not always listening or reading to/from BT. It's also making standard "ok Google" listening unreliable. And it's still triggering Poweramp to play songs, mostly when received a new message. I played with Poweramp settings, disabled all resume options, but nothing helped. This are only happening with BT.
    I hope you can find a way to make it reliable and working, soon.
  18. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry for the long delay in responding.

    About the issues do you think there's a way to say "Ahmet'e Whatsapp mesajı gönder" with another word or words between "Ahmet'e" and "Whatsaspp"? Because this way there's no good way to know where the name ends and the app name starts. :)

    Again, sorry for the long delay.

  19. mkkyah

    mkkyah Member

    Hi Joao,
    It's great to know that you are working on it, no problems with the delay.
    I have already offered an alternative on my previous posts, in that case :
    "If it's difficult to separate app name from contact name you can use
    Ahmet Kara kişisine WhatsApp mesajı gönder.... Send WhatsApp message to contact Ahmet Kara.
    This is not ideal, but correct."

    You can use kişisine or kontağına between contact name and app name. In this case there is no need to use 'e or 'a etc.; contact name stays as it is.
    I hope you can find a solution for BT issues soon; this is still preventing me from using TC.


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