AutoCast How to get Autocast to tell time everyhour on google home?

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Ash79, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. Ash79

    Ash79 New Member

    Hi All,
    Newbie here,love using tasker but still trying to get a handle on it,
    Can someone provide step by step instructions on how i can set up to get autocast to tell time to google home every hour?
    Iam based in Melbourne,Australia, so not sure if google home has all the permission of tasker?
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Ok, to start of, are you able to use the AutoCast Speak action to make it say something on your Google Home?
  3. Ash79

    Ash79 New Member

    Yes,I managed to get GoogleHome to respond by using Autocast speak,now the second question,does anyone know how I get to write
    or use so that i can get Google Home to tell the time everyhour?
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Great! :) To do that, use a Time context in Tasker and make it trigger every hour. Then in the task just use the AutoCast Speak action to send the current time to your Google Home. Hope this helps!
  5. Ash79

    Ash79 New Member

    Thanks I have managed to get the time to be told everyhour,but one small little issue,it tell the time in 24hr format,how do i get it to tell time
    in 12HR format?....what is the variable for that?
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    You could use the AutoTools Time action to format the time. Use the format

    Code (Text):
    hh:mm a
    for a 12 hour format. Hope this helps!
: autocast

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