AutoCast IOT Doorbell using autoremote and autocast

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Pete_Repeat, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. Pete_Repeat

    Pete_Repeat Member

    So I have a working doorbell based on a esp8266 microcontroller that sends a message to my android device using autoremote, that then uses autocast to play the notification on my google home (or a group of devices).

    Only problem is there is a small delay (say 5 seconds) between the autoremote message and the voice being sent to the google home.

    I understand this is probably not what autocast is designed for and likely can't be gotten around.

    It works fine and will liekly leave it, but any suggestions of how to reduce the time it takes or alternative solutions?

    The autoremote part is fast so I will leave that how it is...
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    The only thing you can do to speed up the process is having it already be casting AutoCast before getting the doorbell ring :) Is that feasible in your situation?
  3. Pete_Repeat

    Pete_Repeat Member

    I'll have a look to see if there are any compatible crystal balls for the tablet (this is related to my other post and why I'm using an available tablet over my automation box)
  4. Pete_Repeat

    Pete_Repeat Member

    It works OK anyway. I think if people walk away because I'm 5 seconds delayed from answering the door that they probably weren't worth letting in anyway.
  5. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Haha good point :)

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