AutoTools Screenshot to Bubble

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by scotts, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. scotts

    scotts Member

    I would like the ability to have a bubble automatically popup that is linked to a new screenshot taken.
    I've got the screenshot task, and can create a working bubble. However, I'm not certain how to watch a folder for a new jpg, and then auto set that up with a bubble. Suggestions?
  2. scotts

    scotts Member

    I have the following Screenshot Task...

    Screenshot (185)
    A1: AutoInput Screen Capture [ Configuration:Screenshot Path: /sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots/ScreenShot_%DATE_%TIME.jpg Timeout (Seconds):5 ]
    A2: Variable Set [ Name:%Screenshot To:%aiscreenshotfile Recurse Variables:Off Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]

    And the following Open Screenshot Task...

    Open Screenshot (342)
    A1: Open File [ File:%Screenshot Mime Type:image/jpeg ]

    When I execute the Open File Action, error indicates it can't find the file. I notice the file is missing the .jpg extension.

    What an I missing?

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  3. scotts

    scotts Member

    I figured out the basic opening of the jpg...I needed to add .jpg to the path.

    However, I can't get the Bubble Command to open this file.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    What did you try so far?
  5. scotts

    scotts Member

    I basically have the Bubble Tap action as the variable %Screenshot. This variable is the most-recent screenshot file path.

    Here's the Bubble Action...
    BTW, why is the Bubble Tap/other actions only variables? It would be great to have the ability to run a Tasker Task, open a file directly, etc.

    Screenshot Bubble (154)
    A1: AutoTools Web Screen [ Configuration:Screen Preset: Bubble
    Display Mode: Overlay
    Close Overlay ID: bubble
    Source: /storage/emulated/0/AutoTools/bubble/page.html
    Toast Duration: 5000
    Background Color: #00FFEBEE
    Width: 100
    Height: 100
    Gravity: Top Right
    Offset X: 100
    Offset Y: 100
    Animation: Zoom In
    Overlay Id: bubble
    Show Duration: 500
    Hide Duration: 250
    Drag: Draggable Anywhere
    Drag Movements: All Directions
    Fling To Dismiss: All Directions
    Hide Dialog Shadow: true
    Close On Command: true
    Update: true
    Image: icon-pack://nexbit.icons.moonshine/photos
    Round Image: true
    Grayscale: 0%
    Blur: 0
    Opacity: 100%
    Brightness: 100%
    Contrast: 100%
    Saturate: 100%
    Sepia: 0%
    Invert: 0%
    Size: 16px
    Position: Left
    Color: #AB47BC
    Character Border Color: #4A148C
    Border Color Thickness: 1
    Border Style: solid
    Background: linear-gradient(rgba(151, 190, 252, 0.7), rgba(182, 208, 249, 0.7))
    Text Color: white
    Background: red
    Position: Top Right
    Tap: %Screenshot
    Long Tap: longbubbletap
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Does the other thread give you an idea on how to do it? :)
  7. scotts

    scotts Member

    Ah, using the AutoApps Commands...thanks.

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