AutoWeb How to use "Refresh Tokens"?

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by roooii, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. roooii

    roooii New Member


    I got Autoweb working with my own oauth api, but the access token keeps expiring every 30 minutes. I don't want to login every 30 minutes, so I would like to use "Refresh Tokens". But I noticed that Autoweb calls my api url "oauth/v2/auth" with the parameter "response_type=token" instead of "response_type=code".

    How can I get refresh tokens working?

    Thanks a lot for your help!
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Use the Oauth2WithRefresh authentication type :)
  3. roooii

    roooii New Member

    Well that would have been great if it wouldnt require me to set the secret id manually. Shouldnt the oauth/v2/auth proces take care of this, because the reponse of that proces returns the secret, right?

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9301I met Tapatalk
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Nope, using oauth2 with refresh token always needs the client to send the client id and secret. That's why this oauth method usually runs on servers rather than client devices.
    Hope this clarifies it.
  5. roooii

    roooii New Member

    It does make sense what you are saying, but I do have an application called Postman that I use to test my OAuth connection and that one doesn't require me to set the secret manually. However Postman is be able to create a refresh token.

    It looks like Postman runs "oauth/v2/auth" the authentication proces with response_type=code and then gets a auth_code back. Then it runs "oauth/v2/token" to exchange that auth_code for an access_token and a refresh_token.

    Any idea why Postman works without having to set the secret manually?
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Can you extract the exact HTTP requests the app makes? Like the URLs and POST datas it sends?
  7. roooii

    roooii New Member

    Sure I can. However I don't have the time right now. So ill post some info the next day.

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9301I met Tapatalk
    joaomgcd likes this.
  8. roooii

    roooii New Member

    Hello Joaomgcd,

    Alright, I tried to debug to get some information for you. I will try to make it understandable.

    1. I go to Postman and select the option OAuth2 under Authorization and continue by clicking "Get a new access token".

    2. Postman opens a popup and takes me to the login area under "oauth/v2/auth_login" (the same as Autoweb). I log in (if I'm not logged in yet) and get 2 buttons "allow" and "deny".

    3. If I click "allow" Postman posts the following data to "oauth/v2/auth":

    array (
    'client_id' => '13_test',
    'response_type' => 'code', // Autoweb has "token" set here
    'redirect_uri' => '',
    'state' => '4446607',
    'scope' => '',

    The following callback url is being generated from the posted data:

    4. Postman then calls "oauth/v2/token" to exchange the ?code=xxx from the callback url for an access_token. The response I get here is:

    array (
    'access_token' => 'xxx',
    'expires_in' => 60,
    'token_type' => 'bearer',
    'scope' => NULL,
    'refresh_token' => 'xxx',

    As you can see it also returns a refresh_token. I can use this refresh_token to gain another access_token, which also gives me a new refresh_token. This goes on and on.
    I can call "/oauth/v2/token?grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=xxx&client_id=xxx" with the refresh_token without having to use a secret. I do only have to set the client id.

    If you look at you will also notice that at point 5 they are also returning an "access_token" and "refresh_token".

    I must make a side note. I only get a refresh_token back if I set my application/client "allowedGrantTypes" to the following:

    array (
    0 => 'token', // This is the one Autoweb currently uses.
    1 => 'refresh_token',
    2 => 'authorization_code', // This is the one I would like to use.

    My Symfony web-application is using "" to run OAuth.

  9. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you for your detailed description :)

    I just tried that with Postman and the Spotify API and if I don't set the Client Secret it's not able to retrieve the access token.
    In the Spotify API Auth guide in step 7 it says this:

    Code (Text):
    7. Requesting access token from refresh token
    Access tokens are deliberately set to expire after a short time, after which new tokens may be granted by supplying the refresh token originally obtained during the authorization code exchange.
    Then to get a new access token with the refresh token you need to send the client id and secret:

    Code (Text):
    Required. Base 64 encoded string that contains the client ID and client secret key. The field must have the format: Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded client_id:client_secret>

    If your API allows you to get new access tokens without a new access code from the first step then I don't think it's following standards for auth.
    I may be wrong though, but in all the APIs I used with AutoWeb I saw that to get an access token with a refresh token you need to send your client ID and secret.

    Hope this helps
  10. roooii

    roooii New Member

    Thanks for your feedback Joao.

    You are probably right about having to supply the secret. But I am still wondering how Spotify does this then. If I take a look in Autoweb by importing the Spotify api I see that it's using "OAuth2" and not "OAuth2WithRefresh". Still I don't have to refresh my token every time. Can you explain why this works differently? I've read somewhere that Facebook uses access_token that last for 60 days, but that would not be my intention.

    I would rather not want to reveal the secret, because this token never changes. Both the access_token and refresh_token do, so they are more secure.

    Thanks for your time so far!
  11. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    That's another auth method altogether :) In the Spotify API docs they call it
    Client Credentials Flow

    On that version of authing you don't need to send the client secret :) That's how I did it in AutoWeb.
    Sorry for not making that clear before.

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