AutoInput Switch Between Any Watchface Automatically 1.4

Task that switches your watch face and selects one of your favorites

  1. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    joaomgcd submitted a new AutoApps project:

    Switch Watchface Automatically - Task that switches your watch face and selects one of your favorites

    Read more about this project...
  2. Adlx

    Adlx New Member

    Works great when the watch face name selected by Tasker appears on the first page of the Android Wear (the screen that opens right after clicking the "More" button).

    But if the face is further down the list, AI won't click on it unless I manually scroll down the list.

    I'm totally new to AI, so I don't know yet if that can be solved somehow. Will try to find out.

    BTW, first time I post here :)
  3. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    joaomgcd updated Switch Between Any Watchface Automatically with a new update entry:

    Added scrolling if the watch face is off-screen when trying to switch to it.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Adlx likes this.
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Ok, fixed now :) Let me know how it works!
    Adlx likes this.
  5. phorensyc

    phorensyc New Member

    When I run this task, it chokes at the AutoInput Action step. I guessed that it had to do with me having a Note3 instead of whatever phone you have. Can you tell me what action this step is trying to accomplish so I can reprogram it for my phone layout?

    Also, when I try to to flash %errmsg on the screen to see what the problem is, all the toast says is "%errmsg". If you could address why this is as well I would really appreciate it. It has been an ongoing irritation for me that the name of the variable is displayed rather than the actual content of the variable when I try to flash a variable name for debugging purposes.

    If I tell the task to continue after the error, it does, and it seems to accomplish the task after the hiccup.

    An additional complication is that I sometimes will want to switch amongst WatchMaker/Facer watch faces. Would the easiest way to accomplish this be to add more auto input steps?
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    What step is that? Can you tell me the step number in the task? Thanks

    About %errmsg, it'll only show something other than %errmsg if there is an error. Otherwise it'll always show %errmsg :)

    What Android version are you running? Thanks!
  7. Adlx

    Adlx New Member

    Working flawlessly now! Thanks!
    #NoteToSelf: I really need to start learning AutoInputI !!!
  8. Adlx

    Adlx New Member

    WatchMaker has already a Tasker plugin, I believe once choosen WatchMaker in Android Wear (with the task above), you could potentially add more steps to then make WM change it's face. It would be a two steps approach then (but it's due to how WM works, as a sort of wrapper of face).
  9. phorensyc

    phorensyc New Member

    Thanks for the help on understanding the %errmsg variable issue.

    The step number was 7 in the original task I believe, but I added two Array Push steps in for a total of 4, so now the AutoInput Action step (the one that hangs) is step 9 in my version of the task. So there are 4 Array Push, then a Variable Set, then Variable Randomize, then Variable Set, then Popup, then AutoInput Action. That's the step that hangs.

    I am running Android version 4.4.2, the Hyperdrive ROM for Note 3.
  10. phorensyc

    phorensyc New Member

    Thanks. I can see how putting an IF statement in that checks the value of %watchfaces = WatchMaker you could run that additional plugin.
    Adlx likes this.
  11. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    The step after the popup is the Launch App step. The one that hangs is the one with Value:
  12. phorensyc

    phorensyc New Member

    That's correct. Strangely, I just ran it again, and now it works. For some reason Tasker puts a red dot next to that step in the task, even though it seems to be running, and tasker pauses on that step for like 5 - 7 seconds before it proceeds with execution. This is not a big deal, but it is strange behavior. Sorry for the false alarm.
  13. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Maybe you already have the watch face list open when you run the task, can that be it? The task is expecting the Android wear app to be opened on its main screen when you run the task...
  14. phorensyc

    phorensyc New Member

    Yes! That is probably the case. I noticed that the behavior was different from the initial run and subsequent runs. Thanks for the feedback.
  15. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    I'll try to update it to work on both situations ☺
    Adlx likes this.
  16. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    joaomgcd updated Switch Between Any Watchface Automatically with a new update entry:

    Now works if Android Wear app is already in the Watch Faces screen

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Let me know if the update works :)
  18. phorensyc

    phorensyc New Member

    First thing I did after loading the new version of your task, I changed it to have four of my personal watch faces: Simple, Red, Wearable Widgets, and WatchMaker.

    On the first run after this modification, it halted at this step: AutoInput UI Query, Text: Watch faces, Variables: settings. This is step 8 in your new file. The main autowear page came up with the More button, but it just remained on that screen. On the second try, the task ran successfully . It switched my watch face to Simple. On the third try, it tried to change the face to Red, but got hung again on the opening page of the android wear app. On the fourth try, it worked, changing my watch face to a Wearable Widgets watch face. On the fifth run, it successfully changed my watch face to Red. So I'm not sure why it hangs or if it will experience this in the future. I have my own chunk of instructions that I plan on adding into this version after testing it a little while longer. It checks to see if the watch face is WatchMaker, and if it is, it will go through the process of switching the faces within this app as well. It runs a face switching plugin specifically designed for WatchMaker. I was able to get it to work with the old version of your task, so I'm guessing it will probably work fine with the new version as well. Thanks for the great app!
  19. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Can you try adding a 3 second wait before action 8 and see if that makes it always work? Thanks!
  20. phorensyc

    phorensyc New Member

    I ran it four times in a row successfully by adding in the 3 second wait. Seems to be fixed. Thanks! What type of phone do you use, and which wearable? I'm just curious.

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