Solved Windows 10 App still not deleting old texts

Discussion in 'Join' started by nightsmusic, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. nightsmusic

    nightsmusic New Member

    Hi there.

    I've read the three threads regarding this issue from last year and it's still not resolved. I have tons of old texts that are no longer on my Note 5 that are still being displayed in the Windows 10 app. I've force stopped the app (no way to disable it on my phone) quit the desktop, restarted everything and all of the old texts are still there. My last resort will be to uninstall everything and start over and there's got to be a better way. Also, all those old texts on the Windows 10 app are all interspersed with the new texts, none of them sort by date/time. I love the app, but this is very frustrating. Do you have any suggestions that I might have missed before I start from scratch?
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Hi there. Unfortunately Join can't detect that you deleted a text yet. To do that you have to disable and re-enable the SMS service in the Android app -> Settings -> SMS And Phone calls -> Toggle service.

    Hope this helps!
  3. nightsmusic

    nightsmusic New Member

    Unfortunately, like I said, I don't have that option. I can force stop, uninstall, stop notifications but there's no way to disable messages. Looks like uninstalling everything and reinstalling will be my only option at this point, but the problem will recur once I've deleted something off my phone and it's still on the Windows 10 app...

    I tried through your app to no avail. Everything is still there :(
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry, not sure what you mean exactly. You don't have the "SMS and Call Service" option that you can toggle?
  5. nightsmusic

    nightsmusic New Member

    I can turn the call and sms in your app on and off, but it doesn't change anything on the windows app. I closed out of the windows app prior to turning the phone app on and off, but when I turn the phone app back on, it uploads everything to Google drive and then when I start the Windows 10 app, all the old messages are still there :(
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    And what happens in the windows app if you go to the devices screen, hit reload, the select your device -> SMS. Do the old messages still appear?
  7. nightsmusic

    nightsmusic New Member

    Hmmm...that got rid of about half the old messages. I have a couple that are archived. Those are showing up as well though they're not on my main phone list of texts.
  8. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Hmm, how do you archive messages exactly? I think that might be an option specific to your SMS app and something that's present in the regular SMS database...
  9. nightsmusic

    nightsmusic New Member

    I long press and choose 'Archive' and off they go. I'm using Google's messaging app, not the Samsung app. I don't care for that one at all. Once archived, those messages are put in an archived 'drawer' and no longer appear on my message list. I'm sorry, don't mean to be a bother at all, just trying to figure this out.

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