Open [Home Assistant] How do you "ring" a device from Node Red? And use the other special features

Discussion in 'Join' started by 3m0, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. 3m0

    3m0 New Member

    Hi, I've read the documents and searched but I cannot find out how do ring a device from Node Red and I also could not figure out how to do in with regular yaml. Can anyone help please?

    Here is what the docs say for regular yaml:

    The services exposed in the joaoapps_join component can be used with the service data described below:
    Service Data
    joaoapps_join/send_sms {"number":"5553334444", "message":"Hello!"}
    joaoapps_join/send_tasker {"command":"test"}
    joaoapps_join/send_url {"url":""}
    joaoapps_join/send_wallpaper {"url":""}
    joaoapps_join/send_file {"url":""}

    I just don't understand how to format that into Node Red (either in function node or the home assistant call service "Domain" "service" and "data" fields. Can anyone provide a working example of their flow successfully ringing another device? I would also be curious to see a yaml example of it too because I've googled and never have found one.

    Here's what I've tried. In Node Red, I only see send or received message for the actual Join node. As far as I know, only these 4 things can be used when sending messages via a function node and the Join node. In the function node I have:

    msg.title = "Location " + msg.payload;
    msg.text = "Your location changed to " + msg.payload;
    msg.devices = "Galaxy Note8";
    msg.icon = ""
    return msg;

    Is there another line that would produce the ring device feature? or the send tasker command or file url?
    msg.extra = ring or I don't know

    If it's not possible with what I tried above, I also tried to use the "Call Service" Home Assistant node.
    But I am not sure what to put for Domain, Service and Data.
    I don't see a "joaoapps_join" service and thought it probably should be to use the Ring and other extra features.

    Thanks for any help!

  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Try using this:

    Code (Javascript):
    msg.push = {
        "text":"finding device...",
    return msg;
    You can also use any of the fields here in the msg.push object.

    Hope it helps! :)
  3. 3m0

    3m0 New Member

    Thank you! That works nicely but how do I do the same thing in YAML? I'm trying to make a script and am trying without success.

    alias: Join Notify GN8
    - service: ring.gn8
    message: 'Ringing Phone'
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Unfortunately that I don't know. I'm not familiar with Home Assistant at all... Maybe you can ask the Join plugin's developer for it?
  5. 3m0

    3m0 New Member

    oh wow I never realized you were not the creator of the join addon for home assistant, I just assumed you were since you've got your hands in so many pies :D I will seek him out, thanks for helping me with the node red stuff
  6. Eddie1974

    Eddie1974 New Member


    how do you send the speak command from node red? what is the syntax?
  7. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    You need to create a push object and then in that create a "say" field. :) Let me know if you need further help.
  8. Eddie1974

    Eddie1974 New Member

    Hi, can you post an example please? Having trouble working this out. Thanks.
  9. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Try using this:

    Code (Javascript):
    msg.push = {
    return msg;
  10. Eddie1974

    Eddie1974 New Member

    Hi again,
    Can you post an example on how to send a file (photo) though node red please.
  11. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Do you mean from Node-RED to a phone?
  12. Eddie1974

    Eddie1974 New Member

    Yes, a file/photo from Node Red to a phone.
  13. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    You would have to first upload it somewhere and then send the link. There's no way to send a file directly, sorry!

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