AutoInput Not clicking text in button

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Bimmerstyle, Apr 9, 2019.

  1. Bimmerstyle

    Bimmerstyle New Member

    Hi, I'm quite new to this and stumbled onto a problem.

    I'm trying to get AutoInput to click a button with the text method. However this text appears on the screen 2 times. First in a description and later in the button. See screenshot:


    So basically this is saying:

    Wilt u de app afsluiten? -> Do you want to exit the app?
    Annuleren -> Cancel
    Afsluiten -> Exit

    Now, when I set AutoInput to click the text "Afsluiten" (exit) it doesn't exit the app. I hear a click, so an action is performed but nothing happens.
    When I set AutoInput to click the text "Annuleren" (cancel) it works. It clicks the button and goes back to the app. But I don't want that. I want to exit the app

    What I think is happening is since "Afsluiten" is displayed two times on the screen AutoInput clicks the first it sees and that's the one in the description, not the button.

    Is there a way to force it to click the button? I tried nearby text but that doesn't seem to change much. I also tried using x,y coordinates but then I don't even hear a clicking sound so no action is performed.

    I'm on a non-rooted Samsung Galaxy S8

  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Can you try setting nearby text to Annuleren?
  3. Bimmerstyle

    Bimmerstyle New Member

    Hi, thank you for your response. Setting nearby text to Annuleren worked. It now exits the app. Thank you.

    I think now I get what the nearby text field does. It looks for text closest to the button that needs to be pressed. Correct? I was confused about this field to be honest.

    I have another question but I think I know the answer to that one allready. There is probably not a way to make AutoIput perform a swipe gesture on a non-rooted device, is there?

    To start the same app I have it set so it turns on the screen, keep the screen turned on and start the app. But then I'm in the screen where you would swipe to unlock and I have to do this swipe manually. As far as I could find online, swiping wouldn't be possible when not rooted. Is this correct?
  4. griptay

    griptay New Member

    @joaomgcd Is it possible to add a regex function to that text field in a future release? I had the same problem several times without a text field near.
  5. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, it's actually possible to do a Gesture :) Use the AutoInput Gestures action.
    About the regex, I can add that in the future I think! Thanks!
    griptay likes this.
  6. Bimmerstyle

    Bimmerstyle New Member

    Hi joaomgcd, Thank you for your reply. I just fiddled around with it some more but couldn't make it work at first. Searching these forums I found a post by a guy who had to do a reboot of the phone to get it to work. After I did this it worked! Thank you for these apps. They are a great addition to any phone!
  7. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Glad it works! :D
: AutoInput

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