AutoVoice "hello" and "hi" being stripped from command ?

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Nic Windley, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. Nic Windley

    Nic Windley New Member

    Hello forum members.

    I've been a light user of Tasker for a while and decided to give AutoVoice a go.

    However, when I use the simple example test I'm seeing the "hi" and "hello" parts of the command being stripped as follows:

    Ok, Google
    Ask AutoVoice to "say hi"

    - Sure, here is AutoVoice
    - Command sent: say (blank)

    If however I use a more complex request;

    Ok, Google
    Ask AutoVoice to "say my name"

    - Sure, here is AutoVoice
    - Command sent: say my name

    Are hi and hello protected words (with Google assistant) or is there another problem ?

    Any thoughts on how I resolve this would be much appreciated as it may affect more complex tasks I design later on.

    Thanks all, Nic
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Unfortunately Google does remove those from some commands you're right :( Unfortunately I haven't found a way around that!
  3. Nic Windley

    Nic Windley New Member

    Thanks for responding joaomgcd. Ok, then it's expected and that makes sense. Its just that your demo video clearly shows this working so the response I got was unexpected. Thanks for clarifying, I'll test some ideas and see what happens :).
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, Google made it stop working sometime in the past :( I was hoping that they would fix it sometime!

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