Open Issue with sending files from phone to PC

Discussion in 'Join' started by PC-Tasker, May 27, 2020.

  1. PC-Tasker

    PC-Tasker New Member

    Hey Joao,

    I just started having this problem today. When sending 2 pictures from my Gallery app on Android, to my Windows 10 PC (Chrome extension), I get the following error in Chrome for each file:

    {"errorMessage":"Local file /storage/emulated/0/storage/BA11-1209/DCIM/Camera/20200526_212626.jpg doesn\u0027t exist","success":false,"userAuthError":false}

    I tried re-installing the Chrome extension, and ran the tests, but nothing seems to stand out as the problem. Any ideas?

    Edit: I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the recent addition of local network devices feature, and sharing files between them?
  2. PC-Tasker

    PC-Tasker New Member

    Woops, spoke to soon... this is still an issue and is still happening.

    Joao: When my phone is on the same WiFi network as the PC I'm sending files to, this error happens. When, instead, I'm either on a different WiFi network, or on cell data, the error doesn't happen. This leads me to believe it has to do with the recent feature that you added that had to do with local network connectivity.

    Also, I tried disabling the PC's firewall (Windows 10), but the problem still occurred.

    Can you please investigate this? This really puts a damper on using Android's share functionality to send files to a machine on the same network as the device.

    Let me know if you have any questions.
  3. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Hhmm, interesting, maybe related to the file being on an SD card. Can you confirm that's the case?
  4. PC-Tasker

    PC-Tasker New Member

    Yep, confirmed. The camera is set to save to the microSD.
  5. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Can you please try sending a file from internal storage just to see if it works correctly?
  6. PC-Tasker

    PC-Tasker New Member

    I just tried this, Joao, and it works fine. Looks like something to do with the file being on microSD before sending.
  7. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks. Need to fix the file browser for SD card browsing!
    PC-Tasker likes this.
  8. PC-Tasker

    PC-Tasker New Member

    Cool man, thanks for doing that :) .
  9. Morgane

    Morgane New Member

    Is there a fix to send files from the SDCard when on the same local network ? Perhaps a workaround can be to use Google Drive in such cases, with user permission ?
    Thank you !
  10. sidelsky18

    sidelsky18 New Member

    Having the same issue sending files from an SD card on the same local network.

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