Husher - Auto Volume Restorer 18Jul19

Automatically restore ringer after a time

  1. kartalgurhan
    I have created a profile that handles the Volume. When the volume is set to vibration or silence the profile is triggered. A time and date picker from Autotools pops. The future time and date you picked will be the time when your Ringer, alarm and notification Volume will be restored to the previously levels you determined.

    In case, however, the task is running and you decide to manually restore the ringer the profile is terminated.

    If your camera is set to "mute" during video capturing then another profile temporarily switches off the silence triggers so that the camera is not interrupted by any silence triggers.

    There used to be an app that perfectly did the job but currently it cannot handle muted video cameras (the app is automatically triggered).

    This is the best I could do.

    Known bugs : somehow, the Hush task is triggered even after you already picked and selected time and date.

    Please comment and advice for improvements or changes.

    Thank you

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  1. Husher - Auto Volume Restorer v2
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