AutoRemote Keep Bluetooth on, instead of disabling it at task end?

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by JoeTN, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. JoeTN

    JoeTN New Member

    First of all, thank you for this fantastic app :) totally worth it's money!
    I have set up my first task, in tasker to turn on Bluetooth, when the message "btOn" is received on Autoremote. The problem is that as soon as the Bluetooth-task ends, Bluetooth is turned off again - I want it to remain on.

    My profile looks like this:
    State --> Plugin --> AutoRemote --> Event Behaviour: enabled --> Message Filter: btOn --> Exact Message: enabled.

    My task looks like this:
    Net --> Bluetooth --> Set: On

    When Autoremote starts the task, I can see that Bluetooth is turned on for like 1-2 seconds, and the turned off again. How do I keep it turned on? :)

    Thank you in advance.

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
  2. JoeTN

    JoeTN New Member

    So.. I just found my own answer. I'll post it here if anyone else should need it. I couldn't find option 1, so I went with option 2

    Tasker will restore any setting which is changed in the Enter task of a profile. There are four ways to prevent this:
    1. deselect the Restore Settings in the Profile Properties of the relevant profile.
    2. if you set the same setting in the Exit task of the profile Tasker will take that as a hint that the previous value shouldn't be restored.
    3. create a separate task to run the settings actions and in the Enter task of the profile do a Perform Task action (from the category Tasker) on that separate task. This trick is known as Stefan's Setting Sidestep.
    4. you can use the corresponding Javascriptlet function instead of the setting action. Settings made in Javascriptlets are not restored.
  3. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Glad you got it! :)

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