AutoBarcode Use AutoBarcode to get binary data from QR?

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Ceetch, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Ceetch

    Ceetch New Member

    Is it possible for AutoBarcode to scan in binary mode instead of text mode? I have some QR codes I'd like to scan that contain non-text data in a binary string. When trying to scan normally, some of the bytes do not have a corresponding text character that can be displayed, resulting in the "invalid" characters being replaced with the "unknown character" symbol, making it impossible to even convert the text to binary in Tasker...
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Try to encode your QR codes bytes into base 64 and read them that way :) That should work.
  3. Ceetch

    Ceetch New Member

    Unfortunately, I don't have control over the source of the QR codes or the way they're created. These particular codes were meant to transfer raw data between systems in a simple, yet proprietary format. I know how to read it if I can get the QR data into a binary format. The hardest part is that some of the data includes plain text and raw binary, but it's faster if I can get the raw data and reencode the parts I know are text.
  4. Daniel D

    Daniel D Member

    Do you know which barcode system is it used? Can you give here a sample?
  5. Ceetch

    Ceetch New Member

    In this specific use, I'm looking at the QR codes from Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Pokémon Sun/Moon. Animal Crossing uses QR codes to store a palletted image as a binary stream. It's not encrypted or anything and can be easily converted to an image if I can get the raw binary data from the QR code.

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