AutoInput Often actions don't fire?

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by gwar9999, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. gwar9999

    gwar9999 New Member

    Mar 26, 2015
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    I have a simple Tasker task that launches the Mobile Data Settings and then uses AutoInput to either check the "Mobile data" checkbox or unchecks it (and also hits the "ok" button in the stupid popup).

    When I launch the task from the "play" button within tasker it seems to work all of the time. When the task launches, as part of a larger profile, it sometimes works, but most of the time it just sits on the Mobile Data Settings app and nothing happens. I've added a loop around the check/uncheck action to repeat the action if an %err occurs but it doesn't seem to %err or %errmsg. Not sure of the best way to handle this unfortunately.

    Any ideas? FWIW, I copied the task from the Tasker forum so others use it. I'm using a Galaxy S5 with 5.01 installed. Thanks!
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Hi there.

    Maybe when it's part of a larger task the system is slower and so stuff takes longer to happen? If that's the case then increase the timeout on the AutoInput actions. Probably there's an action there somewhere that's timing out.

    Hope this helps.
  3. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Hi there.

    Maybe when it's part of a larger task the system is slower and so stuff takes longer to happen? If that's the case then increase the timeout on the AutoInput actions. Probably there's an action there somewhere that's timing out.

    Hope this helps.
  4. gwar9999

    gwar9999 New Member

    Mar 26, 2015
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    Thanks for the reply. I considered that but if I interact with the UI after Tasker launches "mobile data" settings, if I click the checkbox it's immediately reflected (no lag) so the question is-- what is AutoInput doing at the time? Even when it does work (and I was premature, it does sometimes fail even in Tasker's "play" mode) it seems to take at least a few seconds for it to check the box so I'm staring at the "mobile data" screen just waiting (and hoping) the AI click will happen but have no idea whether it will or won't.

    I have the timeout at 5 which I actually think is way too high (5 seconds to click a box?). Tasker isn't doing anything at the time... after the timeout it launches other things which depend on mobile data being available. When I had the timeout set to 30 it would still not fire at times-- so I have no idea what AI is doing that it times out without doing anything.

    I've found the logs useless, it seems to log my actions but not its own (or perhaps that just means it's not doing anything at all?). As far as I'm concerned it shouldn't care what actions are going on outside of AI, but it should log when it does or doesn't take the requested action.
  5. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Unfortunately it's not that simple. AutoInput sometimes receives indication from the system that the action was executed when it was not. The Accessibility service system on Android doesn't always work 100% because of specific app implementations. What device are you using? Maybe I can try to reproduce your issue on my devices?
  6. gwar9999

    gwar9999 New Member

    Mar 26, 2015
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    Not a surprise, I guess. Android 5.0 and 5.01 have been pretty awful but I'm stuck w/ it until Verizon pushes out 5.1 or something less buggy. I'm using a Galaxy S5. If AI can't work reliably then I'm not sure what purpose it really serves me since I have Tasker enable data, run Spotify and run Waze. So if Tasker + AutoInput can't enable data reliably then running the two other apps is pointless and then I have to manually enable mobile data defeating the purpose of automating things.
  7. gwar9999

    gwar9999 New Member

    Mar 26, 2015
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    If I put a UI Query (looking for "Mobile data") before the Action when things work it prints the %aitext, when it doesn't the UI Query just hangs and never returns anything-- even though "Mobile data" appears on the UI. The cases when it sees the "Mobile data", the checkbox action works. When it can't see the string, it doesn't. Not sure if that helps.

    Something that seems to help the UI Query is an explicit wait after the Mobile Data app is launched. I'm not certain if this will fix my real use case but a 1 second wait won't hurt. FWIW, I had a .3 second wait before (which didn't work) so hopefully adding 1 full second to it will help.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2015
  8. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Can you please export the task xml as a file so I can try it out myself? Thanks
  9. gwar9999

    gwar9999 New Member

    Mar 26, 2015
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    Ok, I've attached it as a text file (since xml is disallowed by this forum). You invoke the task by passing in "Enable" or "Disable" as %par1. I have 2 helper tasks, "Enable Mobile Data" and "Disable Mobile Data" that invoke the main task with the appropriate parameter.


    Attached Files:

  10. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I've checked out your task, thanks.

    Unfortunately I don't have mobile data on my test devices so I can't exactly test your task so I have 2 questions:
    1. why are you doing the UI Query with Text "Mobile Data" on step 6?
    2. Does the same thing happen with toggling Airplane mode for example? Can you check please?
    Thanks again and sorry for the trouble
  11. gwar9999

    gwar9999 New Member

    Mar 26, 2015
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    The reason I was using UI Query was just to see if the text ("Mobile Data") was actually present before clicking it. I put it in as part of my testing since without it, it didn't work.

    What I've learned in my continued tests is that when looking for text it often fails (more often than not, on my phone). However, for simply clicking a point on the screen it seems to work far more often, but still not 100% of the time. It would be nice it AutoInput logged some more useful data since I'm not sure if it's even trying to click or not, when it fails. Sometimes there's a 5 second delay before the click is reflected so not sure what it's doing or why. The Mobile Data screen launches immediately and it would be great if AutoInput just clicked immediately.
  12. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Have you tried the Airplane mode option and see if the same thing occurs? I don't experience the same behavior as yourself so if you could get Airplane mode to do the same we could test under the same conditions :)
  13. Daniel D

    Daniel D Member

    Feb 11, 2015
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    @gvar9999 if you have root and wanna activate mobile data, you can try this shell command: svc data enable
  14. gwar9999

    gwar9999 New Member

    Mar 26, 2015
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    I'm not rooted (unfortunately-- I have a Verizon Galaxy S5 and there doesn't seem to be a way to root it from what I've read and/or tried).

    I set up this airplane mode task that launches the settings (it goes to the main settings rather than the "airplane mode" settings due to a non-rooted limitation, apparently). Then I wait 2 seconds and have AI click the "airplane mode" icon. I then do an HTTP GET to test whether
    airplane mode is on/off (assumes that will return 200 when airplane mode is off) and then enables/disables airplane mode by clicking on either the "on" or "off" slider. Finally, it uses the AI global "back". In my tests, sometimes it works perfectly, sometimes AI doesn't do the initial click to get to the airplane mode settings page, sometimes the "back" global action doesn't work, it really seems random but I don't see any way to debug what AI is doing/not doing other than things not reflecting on the UI.


    Airplane Mode (162)
    A1: Airplane Mode Settings
    A2: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:2 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
    A3: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
    Value: Airplane mode
    Action : Click Package:com.joaomgcd.autoinput Name:AutoInput Action Timeout (Seconds):2 ]
    A4: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:2 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
    A5: HTTP Get [ Path: Attributes: Cookies: User Agent: Timeout:5 Mime Type: Output File: Trust Any Certificate:Off Continue Task After Error:On ]
    A6: Flash [ Text:%HTTPR Long:Off ]
    A7: If [ %HTTPR eq 200 ]
    A8: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
    Value: OFF
    Action : Click Package:com.joaomgcd.autoinput Name:AutoInput Action Timeout (Seconds):5 ]
    A9: Else
    A10: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
    Value: ON
    Action : Click Package:com.joaomgcd.autoinput Name:AutoInput Action Timeout (Seconds):5 ]
    A11: End If
    A12: AutoInput Global Action [ Configuration:Action: Back Package:com.joaomgcd.autoinput Name:AutoInput Global Action Timeout (Seconds):2 ]


    <TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="4.7u3m">
    <Task sr="task162">
    <nme>Airplane Mode</nme>
    <Action sr="act0" ve="7">
    <Action sr="act1" ve="7">
    <Int sr="arg0" val="0"/>
    <Int sr="arg1" val="2"/>
    <Int sr="arg2" val="0"/>
    <Int sr="arg3" val="0"/>
    <Int sr="arg4" val="0"/>
    <Action sr="act10" ve="7">
    <Action sr="act11" ve="7">
    <Bundle sr="arg0">
    <Vals sr="val">
    <com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.extra.BLURB>Action: Back</com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.extra.BLURB>
    <>plugininstanceid plugintypeid GlobalAction </>
    <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">com.joaomgcd.autoinput</Str>
    <Str sr="arg2" ve="3">AutoInput Global Action</Str>
    <Int sr="arg3" val="2"/>
    <Action sr="act2" ve="7">
    <Bundle sr="arg0">
    <Vals sr="val">
    <ActionId>Airplane mode</ActionId>
    <com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.extra.BLURB>Type: Text
    Value: Airplane mode
    Action : Click</com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.extra.BLURB>
    <>plugininstanceid plugintypeid StoredAction ActionId FieldSelectionType ActionType ActionTimeout NearbyText </>
    <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">com.joaomgcd.autoinput</Str>
    <Str sr="arg2" ve="3">AutoInput Action</Str>
    <Int sr="arg3" val="2"/>
    <Action sr="act3" ve="7">
    <Int sr="arg0" val="0"/>
    <Int sr="arg1" val="2"/>
    <Int sr="arg2" val="0"/>
    <Int sr="arg3" val="0"/>
    <Int sr="arg4" val="0"/>
    <Action sr="act4" ve="7">
    <Str sr="arg0" ve="3"></Str>
    <Str sr="arg1" ve="3"/>
    <Str sr="arg2" ve="3"/>
    <Str sr="arg3" ve="3"/>
    <Str sr="arg4" ve="3"/>
    <Int sr="arg5" val="5"/>
    <Str sr="arg6" ve="3"/>
    <Str sr="arg7" ve="3"/>
    <Int sr="arg8" val="0"/>
    <Action sr="act5" ve="7">
    <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">%HTTPR</Str>
    <Int sr="arg1" val="0"/>
    <Action sr="act6" ve="7">
    <ConditionList sr="if">
    <Condition sr="c0" ve="3">
    <Action sr="act7" ve="7">
    <Bundle sr="arg0">
    <Vals sr="val">
    <com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.extra.BLURB>Type: Text
    Value: OFF
    Action : Click</com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.extra.BLURB>
    <>plugininstanceid plugintypeid StoredAction ActionId FieldSelectionType ActionType ActionTimeout NearbyText </>
    <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">com.joaomgcd.autoinput</Str>
    <Str sr="arg2" ve="3">AutoInput Action</Str>
    <Int sr="arg3" val="5"/>
    <Action sr="act8" ve="7">
    <Action sr="act9" ve="7">
    <Bundle sr="arg0">
    <Vals sr="val">
    <com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.extra.BLURB>Type: Text
    Value: ON
    Action : Click</com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.extra.BLURB>
    <>plugininstanceid plugintypeid StoredAction ActionId FieldSelectionType ActionType ActionTimeout NearbyText </>
    <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">com.joaomgcd.autoinput</Str>
    <Str sr="arg2" ve="3">AutoInput Action</Str>
    <Int sr="arg3" val="5"/>
  15. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thank you very much! :) could you just please export the xml as a file? Tasker never likes it when I copy-paste xml text into a file. thanks!
  16. gwar9999

    gwar9999 New Member

    Mar 26, 2015
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    Ok, I named it with a txt extension since I don't think this forum accepts xml extensions (I had issues last time).

    Attached Files:

  17. OldAndWeary

    OldAndWeary New Member

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Hope OK to join this discussion. I seem to have a very similar problem. I too was writing a Tasker Task using AutoInput to toggle the state of Mobile Data. However, I used the Quick Settings Action of AutoInput ... this avoided the problem of the extra popup "Turn off mobile data". However, sometimes the task works, sometimes it doesn't. I then tried loads of different methods to see if I could work around the problem ... all resulted in similar problem ... namely Actions sometimes trigger, sometimes don't. The final task I have is simple, but is still unreliable. I then came across this thread, so thought I'd post my version in case it helps diagnose the problem.
    My task...
    Vibrate 150
    Wait 500ms
    AutoInput Global Action -> Quick Settings
    Wait 400ms
    AutoInput Action -> Virgin -> Click
    Wait 400ms
    AutoInput Action -> Mobile data -> Click
    Status Bar -> Collapsed
    Vibrate 150
    Go Home 0
    Points to note:
    - Sometimes it works!
    - Fail/success rates are similar whether I run from a widget or from running directly within Tasker
    - When the task fails, it hangs at the 'Quick Settings' ... with the task aborting after the default AutoInput Action time out of 10 seconds.
    - Occasionally, Quick Settings is displayed, but after more than the default 10 seconds ... but the task goes no further.
    - Most often, whether the task works or not, the other Tasker widgets are removed from display shortly after running the task, before being redrawn after a few seconds.
    - The memory usage for AutoInput appears to be 'high' and appears to be permanently running ... Settings -> Apps -> Running shows 74MB for AutoInput and shows the time permanently ramping up. [Please note that I don't really understand what this means, but many apps seem to use much less, including Tasker itself]
    My device is a Moto G 4G, running 5.1
  18. OldAndWeary

    OldAndWeary New Member

    Aug 24, 2015
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    An even more basic method to demonstrate the problem:
    Create a task:
    AutoInput Global Action -> Quick Settings
    Wait 10 seconds
    Status Bar -> Collapsed
    Flash "Finished"

    - Run the task within tasker (by pressing the Run icon within the task screen)
    - The Quick Settings screen opens
    - Before the 10 second wait expires .... Press the Mobile data carrier icon (for me its Virgin); Press anywhere in the Mobile data line (to toggle the state of Mobile data); Press done
    - Task completes (as indicated by "Finished" being displayed and Tasker Run Icon being available again)
    - Now try to re-run ... for me it doesn't work ... it hangs on the Global Action to open the Quick Settings.
    - BUT ... when Tasker causes the Global Action to time out (default 20 secs), the Quick Settings screen opens.

    HOWEVER, if instead the Mobile data screen is selected, but the Mobile data selection is not changed, then all is 'OK' ... i.e. no hangups.

    Hope this is repeatable for others, particularly the developer ... if so, I'm hoping the developer may be able to resolve.

    Many Thanks
  19. OldAndWeary

    OldAndWeary New Member

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Unfortunately looks like no-one has anything to offer on this particular thread ... however, in case anyone is, then I'd love to hear
    In particular, I'd be really grateful to get a (polite) response from Joao :)

    Having done some more diagnosis of 'my problem', what I believe is:
    - the problem with actions not firing only occurs when toggling the state of mobile data (using AutoInput clicks)
    - if wifi is active & connected, then switching mobile data on/off (using AutoInput) does not cause the task to hang. (The Toggle mobile data task can be run endless numbers of times without problems.)
    - Having run the Task containing the toggling of mobile data, an attempt to run any Task (within something of the order of 10 seconds of the original task) that includes AutoInput global actions will then hang for many seconds before running the AutoInput action .. after this long delay, the AutoInput action will then run.
    - Whether I include large 'Waits' within the task, add UI queries to ensure the correct screen is on display or increase the task priority, any subsequent Task with AutoInput events hangs for a period of time.
    - A secondary symptom is that any Taker widgets/icons I have placed on my launcher screen often are removed from the screen for a few seconds post running the toggle mobile data task.

    The only conclusion I can come up with is that AutoInput has a nasty interaction with Play Services .... or that AutoInput is not releasing memory quickly enough. Certainly after running any AutoInput action, it's memory seems to jump up considerably before releasing it again ... I think due to the inclusion of Play Services. All I know is that the 'bug' is very frustrating!

    Any thoughts please ....

    Many Thanks
  20. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    @gwar9999 sorry for the delay. I found your task doesn't work because of the way you're checking connection status which was making AutoInput try to click a non-existing button.
    Here, try this task with the AutoInput Beta and it should work. It worked for me flawlessly :)

    @OldAndWeary sorry for the delay. Could you please export an example task that doesn't always work as a xml file so I can try it myself? :) Thanks in advance!

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