AutoShare Google Now

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Michael Vaughan, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. Michael Vaughan

    Michael Vaughan New Member

    I saw a video that shows how to use AutoShare with AutoVoice. Again, having many problems. I don't know why my phone don't look like the videos. The video shows to hit SHARE in playstore and select AutoShare Intercept. I did that, then it says select Google. That's my problem, there is NO option for Google, only Google+.

    Anybody else have this problem?

    AMMENDMENT: Just saw a post that Google change something. "Unfortunately Google have removed that functionality from their Google Now app, and it's no longer possible to intercept Google now shares. Sorry, but I can't do anything about that."

    I also saw that there is such a thing as AutoShare Intents??
    Google Now Voice Search – Open Google Now and immediately start a voice search. This will get you spoken results.

    Is this a fix, is it something I can use, and if so, how do you use it to make it work?

    Michael Vaughan
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Hi, since that video was posted some things have changed:
    You can now easily do a search with Google Now by using the Google Now Text Search intent :)
    No need to use intent intercept anymore.

    Let me know if you have any trouble using it.
    Hope this helps!
  3. Michael Vaughan

    Michael Vaughan New Member

    I think I set it right. I setup my profile with AutoVoice for "Google". Then I set up a task with plugin AutoShare. I have downloaded the intents. So, I selected for Share Options: App - Google Now and Action - Voice Search. Here is how it works.

    I don't have Continuous mode working on my phone yet, so I have to use the Recognized icon to activate the voice. When I do that and say, "Google, what time is it", it doesn't give me the time, it pops up another screen with the google icon wanting me to talk again. Then I can say, "What time is it"? It gives me the answer. But, then after that, I am back to the "OK Google" screen. It says, "Say OK GOOGLE, or tap mic". So it only works one time unless I press the icon again to say Google. Is this the way it is supposed to work?

    I was hoping it would work like the video, "Google, what time is it", then it gives me the time. "Google, set appointment.....", then it sets appointment.
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    If you want to ask subsequent questions you can always say "ok google" and ask your question... Or is this not what you're after?
  5. Michael Vaughan

    Michael Vaughan New Member

    Here is what I am after. I watched this video on Pocketables. Here is the video:
    I want it to work exactly like this!

    Notice, he says, "Google, Can you show me the weather" all in one command, and it does it. Mine does not do that with the intention. When I say "Google", it brings up the Mic, and I have to say the command separately "Show me the weather". If I say it all in one command, "Google, show me the weather", it just brings up the Mic.
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    He's starting voice recognition from a widget though :)
    So, if you create a "Recognize" widget on your home screen for example you can do the same.

    Let me know if you have trouble after doing that.
  7. Evil Genius

    Evil Genius Member

    One thing I absolutely hate is the "Ok Google" trigger. I also do not like the Google TTS voice.

    Can we omit the "Okay Google" and use a different trigger word and have Tasker read us back the results in our default TTS voice?
  8. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    As far as I know that's not possible, no. Sorry!
: google now

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