With this little project you can remap your Bixby button on Samsung devices.
What this project does is when you press the Bixby Button it will open a AutoTools 2 choise. You can choose between flashlight or Google now.i guess you know how the setup is done. Incase you don't know it here you go.
In tasker import the project.
Back out of Tasker and set up the Bixby button Remaper.
First search for Bixby key in your setting.
Second choose bubble press to open Bixby.
Third enable on single press. Tap on it and then tap on open app and choose Tasker secondary. Now when you single press o. The Bixby button you get a AutoTools choise to make.
Hope you enjoy this little project.
Any questions don't hesitate to contact me.
Bixby Button Remaper 2019-03-24
Remap the Bixby button to flashlight and Google now.
Recent Updates
- Bixby Button Remaper added settings to the dialog. Mar 25, 2019