Important Note: Unfortunately the Weather Underground API no longer has a free version. More info here.
In the end it will look something like this:
- Import the Weather Underground API in AutoWeb and enter your API key. More details here.
- In a new task add an AutoWeb Tasker action
- Select the Weather Underground API
- Select the Forecast action
- Check that the Query has a default value of %LOCN and Language a value of English
- Enable the High Celcius, Icon URL and Low Celcius outputs
- Accept the action and add a Flash action with the text %highcelcius() %iconurl() %lowcelcius()
- Add a new AutoNotification Table action
- Set the Title to Weather
- Set the Texts to:
Make sure to use the new lines as shown above because that's what will let AutoNotification how to correctly show the table.Code (Text):%highcelcius()
- Set the Row Separator to a single new line. This will make AutoNotification know that each line is a list of cells of a row in the final table
- Set the Cell Width to 50
- Set the Text Alignment to Center
If you now run the task a cool table notification with the weather for the next 3 days will be created!
Create a Weather Table Notification
Learn how to easily create a table in the notification panel with AutoNotification