XKCD Notification 1.0

Never miss a XKCD again!

  1. tlewis3348
    This task notifies you whenever a new XKCD comic has been published. Tapping the notification opens a link to the mobile version of the comic. There is also a button on the notification to open the explainxkcd.com page for the comic. There are a few prerequisites for this task to work properly:
    1. You will need install the IFTTT app on any device you want the notifications to show up on and create an IFTTT applet that has the following parameters (for more information on why you have to create your own applet, see here):
      • If: New RSS feed item (Feed URL: http://xkcd.com/rss.xml).
      • Then: Send a notification from the IFTTT app (Message: {{EntryTitle}}|{{EntryUrl}})
    2. You will need to have AutoNotification installed.
    3. You will need to have the following photos stored on your device in the locations shown in the "Caption" section associated with the images below: