AutoNotification A repeating notification sound for Google Voice

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Terry W, Nov 13, 2020.

  1. Terry W

    Terry W New Member

    Sep 26, 2020
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    I get voicemail in Google Voice but there is no option to have the notification sound repeat. So I created a profile with AutoNotification for the voice app and a time edit for every 2 minutes. This triggers a task with a beep action in it.

    Now I'd like to have a way to stop the beeping if I open the notification drawer to see the existing notification. I created another profile with Variable Set %WIN which runs a task that checks IF %WIN EQ Notification shade. and this works. Although I know there is a way to do a stop-task, is there any way to stop the repeating timer in the profile?

    EDIT: I just changed the project to get rid of the time in the profile and I did a beep with a goto loop in the task. I then kill that task from another profile when the notification shade is opened. But I STILL would like to know how to stop a timer in the profile!
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2020
: voicemail, timer

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