AutoVoice Anybody Else Having A Problem With Google Home And AutoVoice

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Tracy Hill, Dec 28, 2017.

  1. Tracy Hill

    Tracy Hill New Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Nothing changed in my setup today, but now when I give Google Home an AutoVoice command, it says "command sent" but nothing happens. Also, I'm using natural language commands so it should be reading back what I've programmed it to say - "turning on living room lights," for example, not "command sent." Anyone else having this problem?
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Hi there. Did your natural language for assistant subscription expire by any chance? I just tried it and it's still working for me...
  3. Tracy Hill

    Tracy Hill New Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Hi Joao, it's still active. Bizarre because it just started happening out of the blue. When I go into dialogflow, I can see all of the natural language commands that I set up. I haven't touched them at all, but I'll double check the api keys.

    Attached Files:

  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Can you please try going into AutoVoice -> Natural Language -> Commands and toggle the assistant switch at the bottom off and on? Thanks in advance!
  5. Michael Ö.

    Michael Ö. New Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Hi there,
    I am experiencing exactly the same problem. Autovoice in the google assistant (on the phone and via the google home mini) suddenly just answers "Befehl gesendet" (command sent) instead of executing the command.

    It started after I logged into dialogflow (last time I changed something there, it was still called in order to update some intent and add a confirmation. Naturally I suspected my changes to be the cause of the problem, but after updating the API keys, resetting the autovoice integration in the google assistant and toggling the switch Joao was talking about, the problem still isn't solved.
    When trying the commands in the dialogflow console or with the natural language tasker action, they do work fine.

    Hope you are able to figure out what's wrong, if you need any more information, please let me know.

    Kind Regards,

    I noticed that some of my commands (in autovoice - natural language) didn't have an action set (the small text under each action name)...after I added those, it looks like it's working again. Might be a coincidence and Joao or Dialogflow did something on their end, but I guess it's worth a try for you to check if it helps.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2017
  6. Tracy Hill

    Tracy Hill New Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Update 2
    It's working again. After reloading AV on the tablet and putting in the API keys, this time when I toggle the switch it connected to the natural language server and is working as it should be.


    So the issue I'm having is with a dedicated tablet that I have that is set up for my Google Home Minis. I've determined that it's a problem local to the AutoVoice on that tablet. I also have the same Autovoice/Tasker setup on my phone but it is usually disabled. However, when I enable it and put an AutoVoice natural language widget on the screen and execute a command, everything works as it should. I'll try reloading AutoVoice on the tablet to see if that resolves the problem.

    Thanks for your help guys.

    Good morning guys.

    I tried to toggling the assistant switch and that didn't resolve the problem for me. Also, commands that aren't working do have actions in my case. I also tried checking the API information and it matches what I originally put in. I'm also using Google Home Minis (I've tried resetting them as well). I've noticed that for some reason it seems to be giving the response as what I've put in the "User Says" areas... So, for example, using the accompanying screenshot: When I give the command "Livingroom TV", my Google Mini is giving the responses "Command Sent: Turn On Living Room TV" (line 2 of what I've put in for "User Says") but isn't executing any action.

    One other thing: If I grab the AutoVoice Natural Language widget and put it on a home screen and push it, the prompt comes up "No Speech Recognized".

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    Last edited: Dec 28, 2017
  7. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Ok, so everything's working now? :)

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