AutoRemote Autoremote&Linux

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Sessho, Jun 26, 2018.

  1. Sessho

    Sessho New Member

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Hello ! Tried to make work Autoremote Lite on Ubuntu but i couldnt seem to be able to send message from the android phone to Ubuntu 18.

    To begin with every time i try to open the app it says Permission Denied but seem to work without problem. Install the Chrome extension initially and it seems to work but has a warning symbol next to message symbol. Except that seems to work without problem .

    The linux machine from the other side got registered but doesnt respond to send messages .
    I can SSH to the machine without problem and the password authentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config is not disable .Added also the string :
    KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1

    and tried also to put localhost to see if now was working but nada. Changed also the /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf from
    send host-name = gethostname();


    send host-name "<hostname>";

    to be certain that the hostname is sent but nothing. (Tried also with my normal ip as normally its the vpn provider's ip and tried a different network as well too but nothing changed)

    curl "http://autoremotejoaomgcd.appspot.c...d=132&type=linux&publicip=MYIP&localip=$(sudo ifconfig wlp58s0 |grep "inet addr" |awk '{print $2}' |awk -F: '{print $2}')"

    or changed the adapter name if i use ethernet.

    Here the logs :

    version 3.0.47b.bf1

    OS Build ONEPLUS A6003_22_180614
    OS Code 27
    Device ONEPLUS A6003
    Manufacturer OnePlus
    Product OnePlus6

    Out - 2018-06-26 01:03:10.425 - hasLocalIp false;hasPublicIp true;tryWifiOnOtherNetworks false;ipInSameRangeAsMe false;isInSameRange false;isWifiEnabled true
    Out - 2018-06-26 01:03:10.190 - hasLocalIp false;hasPublicIp true;tryWifiOnOtherNetworks false;ipInSameRangeAsMe false;isInSameRange false;isWifiEnabled true
    Out - 2018-06-26 01:03:09.403 - hasLocalIp false;hasPublicIp true;tryWifiOnOtherNetworks false;ipInSameRangeAsMe false;isInSameRange false;isWifiEnabled true
    Out - 2018-06-26 01:03:07.424 - hasLocalIp false;hasPublicIp true;tryWifiOnOtherNetworks false;ipInSameRangeAsMe false;isInSameRange false;isWifiEnabled true
    Out - 2018-06-26 01:02:21.925 - hasLocalIp false;hasPublicIp true;tryWifiOnOtherNetworks false;ipInSameRangeAsMe false;isInSameRange false;isWifiEnabled true
    In - 2018-06-26 01:00:00.700 - Registered: Unknown: null
    Out - 2018-06-26 00:59:31.740 - sent successfully to Chrome linux through GCM
    Out - 2018-06-26 00:59:14.409 - sent successfully to Chrome linux through GCM

    Any idea what could go wrong ? Thanx a lot !

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