AutoNotification Broke app (AccuBattery) and can't see Avira notifications

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by vertigo, Aug 4, 2018.

  1. vertigo

    vertigo New Member

    Aug 3, 2018
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    I just found this app and have been playing around with it, and while I like what it can do, I've run across a few issues:

    • The biggest one by far was when I tried to modify the notification categories for AccuBattery. It warned me that AccuBattery isn't designed for Android O and that it would break the app's notifications, requiring an uninstall and reinstall to fix them. I canceled the action (pressed "No"), but it still broke AccuBattery's notifications, causing it to pop up a toast every few seconds. I tried multiple things to fix it but, in the end, had to uninstall/reinstall it, which really, really sucks, because it had months of battery statistics which have now been lost. Needless to say, I am not happy with AutoNotification because of this, and it has me questioning the long-term use of this app if it's going to be causing such issues. I don't mind the limitation, but if I cancel the action, it shouldn't break things anyway; otherwise, what's the point of the warning?
    • The second issue is that I couldn't block Avira notifications. I ended up finding an option in Avira to not show notifications when things are ok, which is what I was trying to do with AutoNotification, but this app was simply not seeing Avira's notifications at all. I'm not sure if it's because Avira, being a security app, hides them from other apps, in which case that's completely understandable. But if that's the case, there should be some sort of warning by AutoNotification to prevent wasting time (I spent several minutes trying to figure it out before giving up). And if that's not the case, then there's something wrong with AutoNotification.
    • This is more a suggestion than an issue, but it seems there should be a way to have notifications matched by content, like in the blocking section, in the category section. For example, it would be nice to be able to set it so any notification with the text "alert" is maximum priority and any notification with the text "Play Store" is low priority.
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Hi there thanks for the feedback.

    • When you say no, it really shouldn't do anything, unless there's a bug I missed. In all my tests I never encountered an issue like that. Were the toasts coming from the AccuBattery app? What did they say?
    • Maybe Avira is not creating standard Android notifications and is using a custom layout instead? In that case AutoNotification can't see the text so it ignores the notifications entirely... Maybe I should add a warning about that...
    • Unfortunately that's not technically possible. Android doesn't allow me to do that.
  3. vertigo

    vertigo New Member

    Aug 3, 2018
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    The toasts were just the standard notification for the app, but while it usually just sits there doing nothing, it would pop up every few seconds, along with a ringtone and vibration. If I set it to normal or lower priority, it would stop, but I like to have it set to maximum so it's (normally) the top notification. Perhaps if you try with that app it'll do it for you, too, which could help figure out the problem. BTW, I forgot to mention before, I'm using a Moto Z Play running 8.0, unrooted.

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