Open Communication issue between Node-Red and PC

Discussion in 'Join' started by K-RAD, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. K-RAD

    K-RAD New Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    Join Tasker sends command to Join Node-Red to shutdown Windows PC
    Join Node-Red sends command to Join Windows + EventGhost/AutoRemote (Join Chrome also installed) to shutdown

    If Chrome is not open, nothing happens.
    If I open Chrome, PC shuts down. (I guess it redirects to Chrome instead of Windows, which I don't want to happen)
    Additional major issue: all my Chrome open pages get forgotten, normally I have continue where left of, and keep pinned pages

    Additional thing:
    If I send the command when the PC is off, when I turn it on later, it will turn off as soon as I log in

    PS: everything was set up by the book
  2. K-RAD

    K-RAD New Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    Update, in Node-Red when the message is sent to
    • (Chrome) Device Name - shows success
    • (Windows) Device Name - shows success, but I don't know if it was actually sent to Windows or Chrome
    • (Chrome) Device ID - shows "Sent to 2 devices" - why 2??
    • (Windows) Device ID - shows "connection timed out"

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