AutoVoice Continuous mode unreliable

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by minscof, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. minscof

    minscof New Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    I try to use autovoice with tasker in continuuous mode and it works...but after some hours, it does not work anymore... Autovoice runs but stops to detect anything.

    I have added a task every 5 minutes to disable continuous mode and enable it again. I think it improves the reliabilty, but I am not sure of that.

    Does anyone have a satisfied experience of continuous mode ?

    How can I troubeshoot my problem ?

    Is there any trick to get it working ?
  2. minscof

    minscof New Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    I add system log, and i see this message
    Probably another app used the microphone. Restarting continuous listener/
  3. RuggedHunter

    RuggedHunter Member

    Mar 23, 2015
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    AVC became a bit unreliable for me about a year or two ago after google updated their app. I was using an s4 back then, and I haven't used those profiles in at least 8 months. I'm using an s6e+ now and have definitely noticed an improvement after a few hours of testing. I'm curious what your device and setup is?

    Edit: I'm not sure if the improvement is due to better device specs or a fix in an update from either google or Autovoice...or both. /edit

    Regarding your question, here's some info from the faq:

    My AutoVoice continuous stops by itself after a while. Why?

    Android is free to kill any background process if it is low on memory, including the AutoVoice continuous process, unless there’s a persistent notification showing that the process is running. So, when you enable continuous mode, enable the persistent notification in the “AutoVoice Continuous” Tasker configuration so the process doesn’t get killed after a while.

    Also on Android only one app can use the microphone at a time, so for example Google Now can stop AutoVoice continuous if it is used for voice recognition. You should stop AutoVoice continuous when entering Google now (or Google GEL Launcher with background voice recognition enabled) and start it when exiting Google Now. You can use Tasker’s app context for that for example.

    Also check Jason van Horn’s tip here
  4. minscof

    minscof New Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Thank's for you reply. My android device is a zenpad 10 .

    Do you know how I can detect what application try to use the microphone and break autovoice ?

    The link of Jason van Horn’s tip is missing...
  5. RuggedHunter

    RuggedHunter Member

    Mar 23, 2015
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    So, here's my experience recently:

    With media volume muted other google app sound off, I start AVC. If I say a matched command within 1 second, Autovoice recognizes the command and the task fires. Otherwise, it appears that Autovoice never jests the command...there is no toast message and no recognition in the log. The log does show that "probably another app has used the microphone"

    With media volume turned up, so I can hear the annoying tones...if I say a command after the one second, the result is exactly the same, except I can hear the Google 'success.wav' the Google app heats the command, but it is not intercepted by Autovoice.

    My continuous Timeout is set at the default 10 seconds. Google Now Integration is off.

    The result is the same, regardless if I have launched google now immediately beforehand or not...and regardless of "ok google" recognition services on our off.

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