AutoInput Enable "Glove Mode" via Tasker- HTC M9

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Chen Engel, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. Chen Engel

    Chen Engel New Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to AutoInput.
    I tried going over the F&Q, and searching the forum, but I couldn't quite figure out how to configure the app for my needs. There are only several examples, which demonstrate the app can do, but not quite how to work with it. A more in-depth and clear "getting started" tutorial, in my opinion, would be great.
    Any in regards to my issue, I can't figure out how to toggle "Glove Mode".
    I'm attaching to this post a video screen record, showing more or less what I did.
    The actions I set where done the same way. Once add from the saved actions, and ones tried adding it again manually.
    When trying to create the action, the result I get is one of three options (couldn't figure out what causes every result):
    1. When trying to test run the action, I get a green light from Tasker, supposedly indicating that the action has been done. When I go into setting to check the setting, it's still off.
    2. I get a red indicator from Tasker, with a list of commands, that I can't figure out what they mean.

    Can someone please help and advice me what I'm doing wrong, what I should do, or give me any pointers where I can learn about configuring the app?
    Thank you so very much

    Error message: message.mp4?dl=0

    Configuring the app: to configure the action.mp4?dl=0

    Sorry for the background noise.
  2. Chen Engel

    Chen Engel New Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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  3. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Sorry, but did you miss the tutorials beneath the video here: ?
    Those are step by step tutorials :)
    Let me know, thanks
  4. Chen Engel

    Chen Engel New Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Hi joaomgcd,
    First of all, thank you for answering and helping.
    I already tried going over the page in the link you attached, maybe I'm missing something.
    It redirects to AutoApps projects, and then from there, when going to AutoInput, there is a list of projects and an option to download/apply them. There is no explanation/tutorial and what does what, and how to achieve anything else, accept the current project.
    None of the projects there, explains how can I achieve the task I'm looking for (and that is to toggle "Glove mode", when launching a task in Tasker, or when launching an app).
    Can you please be more specific, to as where are the tutorials, and maybe if you have time, take a peek at the videos I attached via links, and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
    again, thank you
  5. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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: Glove, mode, tasker

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