Open Hangouts (Reply)

Discussion in 'Join' started by Thebbbrain, May 11, 2016.

  1. Thebbbrain

    Thebbbrain New Member

    May 11, 2016
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    I am not sure if I missed a setting somewhere, but I am not seeing how to reply to Hangouts pushes on my pc. I get the pop up message when I receive a message, but when I click reply, the message goes away and I am only able to reply to the message from the now activated reply on the phone.

    I tried installing Android Wear, even tho I don't have a smart watch, and now it does offer a reply pop up window. The functionality there doesn't seem to work as desired in all circumstances. For example, if I receive more than one hangouts message (more than one person), clicking reply brings up a box to reply to all the messages at once. This is not good because I could be having two different conversations where a singular reply is not appropriate.

    Ideally, the pop up window when replying should only go to the person or persons (if a group message) from which the message originated.

    Again, if I am doing something wrong, or missed a setup somewhere, I apologize. Thanks for your diligent work on this application, I've had it about a day, and so far it definitely seems like a suitable Pushbullet replacement once I figure everything out.

    The other thing I've noticed is that the push notifications don't stay up on screen very long, is there a setting that adjusts their duration?

    Finally...when using the pc side of the sms dialog, It doesn't always seem to notify when a new message has come in. Not sure if that is a refresh thing, or if I missed a pop up dialog, I'll keep an eye on that one.

    Thanks again.
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Thank you for your feedback.

    About the Hangouts messages, can you please let me know if have the "Send All In Group" option enabled in the Android app -> Settings -> Notifications screen?

    Thanks again
  3. Thebbbrain

    Thebbbrain New Member

    May 11, 2016
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    "Send All In Group" is not enabled.
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Hmm.. and what if you enable it? Does it work then?

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