How to shut down computer with EventGhost

Discussion in 'EventGhost' started by Fernando Boccato, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Fernando Boccato

    Fernando Boccato New Member

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Hi guys.
    Is there any way to shut down my computer with EventGhost?
    I've already managed to wake it on lan (WoL) and make EventGhost open any program with Join, now I'd like to know a way to shut down my computer (or put it to sleep) with EventGhost.
    I can't remember how many times I've went to bed and suddenly remembered that I forgot to shut it down...
    As I know almost nothing about programing language, It would be great if It were a step-by-step tutorial.
    Sorry for any grammar or spell mistakes, but english isn't my native language (as you may have noticed lol).
  2. James Watkins

    James Watkins New Member

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I use the action: system shutdown command. The action is found in EventGhost under System, Power Management, Turn off Computer. I've been able to turn my desktop on via WoL through Tasker and then shut it down with this successfully. I've tested it with Windows 7 and 10 and it works fine.

    Here's the action that you can paste into EG as well:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <EventGhost Version="1722">
  3. Fernando Boccato

    Fernando Boccato New Member

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Thanks man!
    That helped me a lot!
    But now i've realized that i have another problem:
    EventGhost only starts after i put my password to logon Windows, so if i want to shut it down i've got to first login windows (probably with TeamViewer, as i won't bem near the computer), wait to EventGhost to start and to only then send the task to shutdown.
    Is there any way to make EventGhost start WITH windows (before i type my password), just like TeamViewer (e.g.)?
    If not, is there any way to automate that, like using AutoInput and TeamViewer to login Windows so i can shutdown the computer shortly after?
  4. James Watkins

    James Watkins New Member

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Hm... That's actually a really good question. I personally don't bother with a password over my home PC since it alerts me via EventGhost when it's turned off and on. Therefore when I turn my PC on via WoL it starts up without interruption and EG loads properly.

    If EG ran as a service like TeamViewer does, then a password automation can be performed maybe. I'm not entirely sure and until now I never had the idea.

    A quick Google search led me to EventGhost's forums of others asking the same question:
    Hope this helps, I couldn't read it too much since I'm still at work now. lol
  5. Petroale

    Petroale New Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    There is an app called Unified remote,it has a plug-in for tasker and from there you can do this + many other things! Hops it helps

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