AutoNotification Notification buttons intercept not working properly with Whatsapp and SMS Organizer

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by soumyaranjanmahunt, Jan 14, 2019.

  1. soumyaranjanmahunt

    soumyaranjanmahunt Member

    Oct 8, 2018
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    The priblem happens with single whatsapp notification or last notification in a notification group, and with sms organizer notification.

    For whatsapp notification in the situation described above the atbestmatches() shows %anbutton1text(button text variable not set) and for SMS Organizer it gives correct value but doesn't perform the action.
    My profile description:
    Profile: Mark Chats As Read (19)
    Event: AutoNotification Intercept [ Configuration:Event Behaviour: true
    Cancel Reason: User cancelled,User cancelled all,Other app cancelled,Other app cancelled all
    Notification Apps: WhatsApp,SMS Organizer,Telegram,Messaging ]
    Enter: Anon (28)
    Run Both Together
    <Convert title text to lower case>
    A1: Variable Convert [ Name:%antitle Function:To Lower Case Store Result In: ]
    <For a redundant group>
    A2: If [ %anstatus ~ Created & %antitle ~R back to school ]
    <Mark chat as read when text comes>
    A3: AutoNotification Actions [ Configuration:Notification Apps: WhatsApp
    Button Text: read (regex) (case ins)
    Notification Title: back to school (regex) (case ins) Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
    <On cancelling notification>
    A4: Else If [ %anstatus ~ Cancelled ]
    <Search for button with read functionality>
    A5: AutoTools Text [ Configuration:Text: Mark as read
    Best Match: %anbutton1text,%anbutton2text,%anbutton3text,%anbutton4text,%anbutton5text
    Joiner Variable: atjoinedtext
    Separator: , Timeout (Seconds):60 ]
    <If first text matched>
    A6: If [ %atbestmatchesindexes(1) ~ 1 ]
    <Execute first action>
    A7: AutoNotification Actions [ Configuration:Intercept Action ID: %anbutton1action Timeout (Seconds):0 ]
    <If second text matched>
    A8: Else If [ %atbestmatchesindexes(1) ~ 2 ]
    <Execute second action>
    A9: AutoNotification Actions [ Configuration:Intercept Action ID: %anbutton2action Timeout (Seconds):0 ]
    <If third text matched>
    A10: Else If [ %atbestmatchesindexes(1) ~ 3 ]
    <Execute third action>
    A11: AutoNotification Actions [ Configuration:Intercept Action ID: %anbutton3action Timeout (Seconds):0 ]
    <If fourth text matched>
    A12: Else If [ %atbestmatchesindexes(1) ~ 4 ]
    <Execute fourth action>
    A13: AutoNotification Actions [ Configuration:Intercept Action ID: %anbutton4action Timeout (Seconds):0 ]
    <If fifth text matched>
    A14: Else If [ %atbestmatchesindexes(1) ~ 5 ]
    <Execute fifth action>
    A15: AutoNotification Actions [ Configuration:Intercept Action ID: %anbutton5action Timeout (Seconds):0 ]
    <Exit upon marking chats as read>
    A16: End If
    <Inform marking chats as read>
    A17: Flash [ Text:Marked as read
    %ancancelreasontext Long:Off ]
    <Exit task>
    A18: End If

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk

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