Solved Option to enable/disable mirrored notifications based on whether they're silent or not?

Discussion in 'Join' started by SmallGod, Jul 30, 2020.

  1. SmallGod

    SmallGod New Member

    Jul 30, 2020
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    Would you ever consider adding an option to enable or disable the mirroring of notifications based on whether they have any audio notification or not? Similar to the "Send Persistent" toggle - i.e. a "Send Silent" toggle.

    Specific use case at the moment - I've got the "Send Persistent" option toggled off and generally prefer it that way, but my task management app (TickTick) uses persistent notifications - but I DO want those mirrored. And that got me thinking, the combination that would work best for me ideally would be to toggle ON "Send Persistent" but toggle OFF "Send Silent" (if it existed).

    I realize I can turn "Send Persistent" back on, and then disable mirroring for some specific apps that have a persistent notification I don't want, but some of them also sometimes have non-persistent notifications that I do want, so disabling the app(s) means then I won't get the ones I do want. Plus just in general, whether or not a notification makes a sound is a better determinant of whether I want it mirrored - essentially the whole reason I like notification mirroring at all is so that when my phone goes "beep boop", I can see what's going "beep boop" and possibly dismiss it or interact with it. If a notification doesn't go "beep boop" in the first place - whether it's persistent or not - then I don't care to have it mirrored; I'll just see it when I next look at my phone.

    I suppose another option could be a sort of whitelist/blacklist set of exceptions to the "Send Persistent" toggle. So you might turn ON "Send Persistent", but have a blacklist that effectively says, "Send persistent, but NOT if the persistent notification is one of these apps" (even if the app in general is enabled, so you still get non-persistent notifications from those apps). Or you might turn OFF "Send Persistent", but have a whitelist that effectively says, "Don't send persistent, but DO send it anyway if it's one of these apps". But that's more complicated and might be confusing to users. o_O

    Additionally what would be really great would be an ability to filter specific notifications from specific apps - i.e. filter by some text in the notification. So you could enable mirroring for a certain app, except when it's a specific notification that you don't need mirrored. Or disable mirroring for a certain app, except when it's specific notification that you do want mirrored. But I'm sure that's a MUCH bigger can of worms, I suspect a pipe dream. :)
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    HHhmm, as a more general concept how about selecting the minimum "importance" of a notification to be synced? For example, if you set it to only sync importances higher than medium all the silent ones wouldn't be synced. What do you think?
  3. SmallGod

    SmallGod New Member

    Jul 30, 2020
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    That makes sense to me and is probably even better since it allows a little more tweakability!
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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  5. SmallGod

    SmallGod New Member

    Jul 30, 2020
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    Whoa, that was fast! Thank you! I just installed it a few minutes ago, but doing some testing and so far it seems to work great and achieves exactly what I needed!
  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Nice :) Glad to know that!!
  7. SmallGod

    SmallGod New Member

    Jul 30, 2020
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    Oh hey - not to get both greedy and off topic (from Join to AutoNotification) BUT - it would be awesome to have a filter on the importance level built into the AutoNotification Intercept event Tasker plugin, too. Similar to how you can filter to intercept only certain app names, package names, persistency type, etc. - to be able to filter so it only intercepts above a minimum importance level would be handy!
  8. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    With AutoNotification you can use a Stop action right at the start of your task and set its If condition based on the %ancategoryimportance variable :)
  9. SmallGod

    SmallGod New Member

    Jul 30, 2020
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    Sorry, I should have mentioned that I do use that method currently. But here's why I still requested this anyway - I just recently set up a profile & task to say aloud the name of apps that make an audible notification. As with the notification mirroring, I want this for all notifications that make an alert, even if they're persistent, so I had to let it intercept all notifications, and use the Stop action to stop the task if it doesn't meet the minimum importance. But soon I started to notice that sometimes it didn't work - it didn't say the app name once in a while. When I looked at the run log, I realized that the reason was that it was having to abort some tasks because it was hitting collisions - and that was because (due to various persistent and background/silent notifications that run a lot) it was firing the profile essentially nonstop. Run-stop-run-stop-run-stop-run-stop.... on and on and on. I'm kind of anal about efficiency sometimes and this seems like a total waste to me. Plus it just makes the run log kind of useless if I'm ever trying to just scan it to look at/for something else. So I've started using inverted filters on notification titles and categories to stop the profile from firing on the most common persistent/recurring background notifications, but this is also a pretty awkward/inefficient way to do it and will essentially be a never-ending chore as more come up. Hence, it would just be a lot more efficient if the event intercept plugin could filter on the category importance in the first place, so the profile only fires on the notifications I'm interested in - as opposed to the profile firing thousands of times a day and relying on the Stop action to stop the task, or figuring out workaround ways to filter out unwanted notifications one at a time. :)
  10. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Hi again. Unfortunately I'm going away for about a month today so I will have to take another look at this after I get back. Sorry for the hold up.

    See you then!
  11. SmallGod

    SmallGod New Member

    Jul 30, 2020
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    No worries; enjoy!
  12. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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  13. SmallGod

    SmallGod New Member

    Jul 30, 2020
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    Sorry, I didn't see this right away, but I just installed it and did some testing now and it seems to be working great! Thank you; you're a rock star!
: request

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